Family History/Reunions

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-"I would love nothing more than to reunite a young couple!" he helped Manolo up on the horse.

-"Just hold...ON!" the man yelled, terrified as they rode down.

The man screamed all the way down while Manolo laughed happily. Finally reaching the bottom they began a conversation.

-"You know, I've been down here for years, awaiting my beloved honey bunny" coincidentally his 'honey bunny' appeared in front of them and waved a 'hi, honey'.

-"Too Soon! Go!" the man yelled and they sped off.

As they ran off to find Manolo's family, they enjoyed looking at their surroundings. The vibrant colors and people. The people danced and cheered happily celebrating the day of the dead. The festivity followed everywhere they rode by. The endless parties, floats and parades.

-"There, your family is in that one!" the man pointed at a line of floats.

-"Wow" Manolo looked at the parade in astonishment.

-"Get in there!" the man said, and before Manolo could say anything he pushed him over.

Manolo yelled as he fell. He tried to stop his fall from pulling some of the papel picado, but ended up being launched across. He kept flying across until someone caught him.

-"Oh, yeah! Another Sanchez bullfighter!" the tall man who had caught him replied.

-"You are...the amazing Carmelo Sanchez!" Carmelo set him down and explained his 'famousness'.

-"Yes, I was famous for fighting bulls without a cape!"

-"Capes are for COWARDS!"

-"Can you help me find Y/n Posada?" Manolo asked in hope of getting a yes.

-"La Muerte can help you, she helps everyone. Hold on..." Carmelo jumped and Manolo was hit by a bull piñata, causing him to be tossed onto the second float.

-"The great Jorge Sanchez!" Manolo chuckled as he recognized the silhouette.

-"At your service!" Jorge bowed his head slightly.

-"I was famous for fighting bulls with only one arm and one leg"

-"Arms and legs are for Cowards!" he jumped from the post he was on and twirled before facing Manolo.

-"Whoa! You are Manolo, the one who plays the guitar"

-"Yeah, that's me," Manolo admitted.

-"You know, when I was younger, I always dreamt of singing in the opera."

-"You did?"

-"But as you know..."

-"Music is not work fit for a Sanchez bullfighter!" they both stated.

-"The same story," Jorge laughed.

-"They crushed out dreams...hilarious" Manolo was then tossed back into the sky, as Carmelo had jumped on a loose plank.

-"He's new," Carmelo said.

-"He reminds me of me...but less handsome," Jorge admitted.


Hi! I was sick yesterday and with a bad headache. I would have posted but this is a really old story full of lots and lots of grammar mistakes that I have to fix so....

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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