First Time (Connie x Sasha)

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Sasha Blaus stared at herself in the mirror. She kept looking at herself from different angles.

Standing there in nothing but her underwear she couldn't help but nitpick. She traced her fingers over the scar from her appendix removal 3 years ago. Then the scar just under her left breast, given to her by a hunting accident when she was a kid.

"Why I am so anxious, he's seen these scars before" she thought. She started to pull down her navy blue panties...

"Uh whatcha doing there Sasha?"

Sasha nearly ran face first in her full length mirror.

"Geez Mikasa don't you know how to knock?"

Mikasa laughed, "sorry I didn't think you would be...."

"Just..making sure everything looks...good ya know"

Mikasa came up behind Sasha, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Sasha, you are beautiful inside and out, and Connie thinks so too"

"Mikasa can I ask you something?"


"Where you nervous...the first time you and Eren..."

"Had sex" Mikasa finished.

Sasha nodded.

"Well first things first" Mikasa said sitting on Sasha's bed. "You're on the pill right?"

Sasha nodded. "And he's got condoms"

"Good, I have a very strict wrap it before you tap it policy"

Sasha bit her bottom lip. "What if...I'm not good at it...or it hurts or I don't climax?"

"Has he made you c*m before?"

"Well ya with his hands and other parts" Sasha said blushing.

Mikasa rolled off the bed and place her hand on Sasha's shoulder.

"Look you two love each other, and that's what matters. It's an expression of love. Also the best thing when having sex is communication. Don't be scared to tell him what you like and what you don't like"

Sasha walked over to her closet, picking out an outfit for her date tonight.

"It's not like we haven't been physically before...but...."

"Sasha everyone is nervous their first time, Eren could barely get the condom our first time"

Sasha let out a laugh.

Mikasa grabbed Sasha's hand and led her to her bathroom. "I'm gonna do your make up, come on"

Dinner was wonderful and relaxed. The glow of the lights from the restaurant's holiday decorations set a warm atmosphere for the couple.

The two kept giving each other sensual looks over dinner, playing footsie, with Connie's hand ending up on Sasha's thigh.

They both could feel the heat growing between them.

For the first time ever, they skipped dessert.

Back at Connie's apartment, Sasha slipped off her shoes at the door.

"Where's Jean and Colt?"

"Double date night with Marco and Mina...they won't be back until late tonight" he called from the kitchen as he fed Jean's cat.

Sasha relaxed a bit, glad that they had the place to themselves.

She was admiring the Christmas tree when Connie came up and wrapped his arms around her waist.

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