"Will. Seriously now is not the time. You don't need to be getting distracted right now let alone by some guy you've never met." Will's eyes lit with anger, and I tensed. The arguing was about to start. I was gonna step in, but I was too slow.

"Oh, what? So, what if it's some guy! I have every right to meet new people, just cause your shackin it up and feelin good doesn't mean everyone else is okay. Last I checked, it's not because of me that this is all happening. Why should I have to keep fuckin off until you get your shit together!?" His words were sharp and snippy.

"Will it's not about that its..." 

"The fuck it is. It's always about what you want Leo. Let me fuckin breathe for once fuck!" He shoved past him, and Leo followed. 

"Leo..." I said carefully trying to stop him.

"Will, fuckin stop being a child and listen!" Jami and I followed as Leo chased after Will. 

"Here we go again with the name callin bull..." Will threw his hands up, ignoring Leo with every step toward his truck. This was not going to go well. Somone was going to get hurt.

"I'm not calling you names. I'm telling you what your acting like. You don't listen. You're being naive and not paying attention!" 

"Oh, fuck you, Leo. Like you care about my wellbeing." Leo grabbed Will's arm and that was the tipping point. Will turn sharply and Leo ducked but Will wasn't swinging. He shoved Leo hard and because Leo was prepared for a fist, he was hardly at all prepared to get sent tumbling against the force of Will shove. 

"Leo!" I shouted my chest tightening. 

"Will!" Jami had yelled at the same time. Leo gritted his teeth as he stood quickly. He was covered in dirt, a scrap across his arms already swelling from the gravel. 

Both men stared at each other, knowing that Leo was very capable of whooping Will's ass. However, Will had openly tried everything to stop Leo. Which meant he was seriously pushing Will's boundaries. 

I stared at both men, at a loss for what to do. They needed to calm down. "Guys let's take a breath." I said and while Leo did so sensibly, Will was irate. 

"I'm not trying to meditate before going on a damn date." He said and Leo clenched his fists.

"You're not going on some fucking one-way trip to fuck fest. There is shit going on Will... People are going to fucking find us..."

"No, they are trying to find you. And for your infor-fucking-mation! I'm actually really interested in this guy, so go blow! Just because I've acted straight the whole damn time doesn't mean I swing for just a bit of sex asshole. God!" Will threw the door open.

"Will, I'm not telling you this to hurt you or be an ass ther...

"You are an ass! Cant you see I'm fucking depressed!! I'm fuckin tired... I want something new something real! I want to get the fuck out of this place! I'm not meant to wear cowboy hats and ride ponies! I'm a city boy who smokes weed and goes clubbing! I don't want to fucking be here! God for fucking bid, I look for a little get away!" He was yelling, screaming almost. He threw himself in the truck slamming the door hard. He started the truck quickly throwing it in reverse and spinning the tires out as he went. He was turning and out onto the road before any of us moved. 

Leo was starring. His eyes looking off at the dust. My chest hurt. Will was drowning and none of us saw. I mistook his demeanor for healing. I ignored the signs. I noticed them now. His lack of engagement and enthusiasm. His fake excitement as he stood at the back of the group. Eyes pointed elsewhere. Only focusing on the things that pulled him from reality. His small laughs and bitter smiles. All fake, to keep us at bay. 

What Happened to the Boy From Apt 4? (What Happened Series #3)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now