20. Opening Up ♔︎

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't sure," Kiara pushed it open and invited herself in.

Monie was still in bed but sat up and turned the lamp on beside her to bring some light into the dark room.

"Hey, King."

"Hey," Kiara sat down on the edge of the bed. She wanted to bring up the obvious, the phone conversation between Monie and Aiden from earlier that afternoon, but wasn't sure how exactly to do that, which is why she was relieved when Monie was the first one to bring it up.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that conversation earlier. Aiden can be very... I love my daughter but I hate her father."

"I think you've mentioned him before, very briefly though. I now see why he isn't someone you'd want to spend a lot of time talking about."

"He just makes me so angry. He failed me, so what? I'm used to people in my life failing me. But Ava, she's innocent in all of this. She deserves a better father. She deserves a father who actually wants to be a part of her life, not one who treats her like she's an afterthought. And you know, a part of me wants to prevent him from ever seeing her again after what he's put us through, but the other part of me knows I shouldn't stop Ava from having a relationship with her father. My biggest fear is that she grows up and blames me for not having a good relationship with him."

"You know it wouldn't actually be your fault, right?"

"Logically, I know that, but that's not how it's gonna feel. I just want to do right by my kids, but somehow I feel like I still fall short. I can either give them everything they need in order to be successful in the future, or I can pursue my own dreams and desires. I've never been in a position where I can do both at the same time."

"You talking about school again? And the fact that you want to become a neonatal nurse practitioner?"

"That's part of it. Maybe I'll get the chance one day, but for now I'm only focused on getting Marco through school and into the college of his dreams. That's my plan as of right now, that I'll go back to school if he gets accepted into college on an academic or athletic scholarship. Maybe then I'll finally have time to focus a little bit more on myself and my own personal goals."

Kiara sat with what Monie said for a second before even attempting to respond.

"King, you don't have to respond to what I just said," Monie whispered when she noticed Kiara trying to formulate a response in her head. "Actually, I don't think I want you to respond at all."

"I might not always know what to say, but I am listening to you."

"I know you are," Monie reached out and held onto Kiara's hand. "And that's good enough. Thank you. Thank you for really listening to me. Thank you for giving me a space where I feel comfortable enough to share with you."

"And you'll always have this space with me."


"Yes, Monie?"

"Would you let me take you out? Like... on a date?"

She wasn't sure why she felt nervous to ask her that. Maybe because they agreed to take things slow or because they both agreed they would just be friends for the time being.

"It doesn't have to be a romantic thing. I'm not hoping for anything to come out of it," she rambled on. "Not like I'm asking you to be my girlfriend or anything. I mean, not that I don't want you to be my girlfriend one day in the future, but it's too soon and I just—"

"Monique," Kiara laughed, cutting her off. She placed her hand on top of Monie's and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to try and convince me. I'd love to go out with you."

"Really?" Monie asked with the most genuine smile on her face.

"Of course. A friend date, a romantic date, whatever it is, I can't wait," she said as she gently stroked her thumb across the back of Monie's hand. "I'm happy with whatever it is, as long as I'm with you."


author's note:

1) i remember someone in a previous chapter saying they ship marco and cameron, and i'm here to let y'all know that's not happening. like at all lol.

2) i'm not officially back, so don't nag me to update because i will only be updating when i feel inspired/have time.

3) it feels good to update again. i've missed my babies sooo much.

4) also, i know this is short, but i just got back so not too muchhh...

idk when i'll be back, but until the next update,
JD <3

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