THIRTEEN ─ [ . : 。✿ ] daisy

Start from the beginning

Naoki perked up. Although (Y/N) wasn't secretive per se, she'd only mentioned her mother casually. As someone who wanted to know every little detail about (Y/N)──  her habits, her preferences, her past, her whole life, really──  he was immediately hopeful about the potential opportunity to learn more about the girl. "Oh, yeah? How is she?"

(Y/N) sighed. "She's good." She hesitated, before continuing. "Tired, for sure. She's not taking care of herself super well." A frown set onto her face. "But she has good people looking out for her."

Naoki hummed. 'Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree,' he thought. Instead, he replied, "She's really lucky she has you to look out for her."

A soft smile graced (Y/N)'s lips. "Thank you," she said. "I try."

Suddenly, a loud sound came through the speaker, as the TV screen flashed with an announcement of Lori's virtual victory over Naoki. His jaw dropped, as he turned to face the smirking girl. "What?!"

"That's what you get for losing focus, bitch."

Naoki had to admit he'd forgotten about the game altogether. How could he not? (Y/N)'s presence tended to wash everything else away, until all he could even remember was her. What was strange to him was how Lori was able to focus on the video game. It was obvious that she held strong feelings for the girl──  it was obvious all of them did, to everyone except for the girl those feelings were directed at. So how could she disregard (Y/N)'s presence for the sake of some trivial video game? To Naoki, this was proof that her feelings were much less serious than his own. Clearly no one else loved (Y/N) the way he did. How could they? The thought gave him hope that maybe... just maybe... he could someday be worthy of (Y/N)'s affections. If he was the only one capable of loving her the way she deserved, then maybe he could someday earn the spot at her side. Until then, he could comfort himself with the thought that his devotion was far stronger than the others'.

In truth, it wasn't that Lori disregarded sweet (Y/N)'s presence. Rather, the girl had spurred Lori on to win. She wanted to impress (Y/N) with her skills.

Although this was a surprise to many, Lori was incredibly skilled in video games and all things technological. She'd been into computers since she was 13, and once she moved off to college, she took a couple coding classes and fell in love with it. And before she worked up the courage to perform on stage as an actor, she'd climbed the ranks of the university's tech theatre crew. Altogether, she was really skilled with any kind of technology.

She wanted to subtly flaunt her talents for (Y/N) as often as she could without coming off as arrogant. Because she wasn't arrogant, not really. She was simply desperate to prove that she had more to offer the girl than anyone else. She wanted to prove it to everyone else, to herself certainly, but most of all to her darling (Y/N).

Funny, each of the housemates was certain they were the only ones to be trusted with the care of their beloved roommate. Care that realistically, (Y/N) didn't even need. But they had blown her innocence and perfection entirely out of proportion, and each had convinced themselves that they needed to protect her.

"I'm just saying, you should've paused it," Naoki argued. Although somewhat irritated by his defeat at the hands of Lori, he was actually much more worried about how this would all look to (Y/N). He knew from the look in Lori's eyes that she was intentionally trying to sabotage him and make herself look better. Which was ridiculous──  a video game match by itself would never be enough to change (Y/N)'s perceptions of her roommates. Still, the idea of it bothered Naoki deeply. How dare Lori try to make herself look better? She could never deserve an angel like (Y/N)!

"Not my fault you can't multitask," Lori retorted. "You can't talk to (Y/N) and look at the screen?" There was a clear note of jealousy in her tone.

Clear enough that even (Y/N) could pick up on it.

She frowned to herself. What reason could Lori have to be jealous about Naoki talking to her? Unless... 'Does Lori like Naoki?' She glanced between the two of them, as they continued their bickering. 'I wouldn't think she'd have a crush on him. She's clearly a hopeless romantic, and he's such a fuckboy. But... I guess you can't help who you fall for.' She leaned back into the couch, and curled up around a pillow. It really had been an overwhelming day. 'I hope he doesn't break her heart. I know he wouldn't mean to. Deep down, he's definitely a softie. But he doesn't seem interested in anything serious. And Lori most definitely would be... And then there's everyone else... Ugh, why is everything so complicated?'

There was a slight frown set on (Y/N)'s face. But it faded, slowly, as she drifted off into a sleep fueled by exhaustion.

*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *

more of a filler, but the next
one is more exciting >:)

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