they didn't question anything. they just saw a cold blooded murderer, one that could grow up to kill dozens more if she were allowed out.

the moment i stabbed my father i felt a sense of relief wash over me. he wasn't worthy of life, and i was simply doing the world a favor.

sending him back to the deep dark depths of hell in which he had came from. i despised him. he was an abuser, a rapist, a manipulator.

i was aware of my stance in cleansing the world but i'd never become him. the woman in front of me would never have to worry about shit like that.

not unless it was out of my control. much like the events from yesterday. i was in the light but the moment i blinked i wasn't.

it felt as if they were getting stronger, that had to be the only conclusion. it was known that i'd make people bow before me..

and if that meant i'd have to enforce it upon the voices in my head i'll do that shit too. it's my body, my mind. they'll learn to listen, just as the rest of the world.

my body laid still and my ears listened intently as i heard a distant noise from downstairs.

i rose from the bed carful not to wake my sleeping angel. i threw on a large shirt and shorts before marching to my dresser, pulling out my matte black glock.

this bitch right here and my baby dragon are soulmates. a match made in heaven, i would say if i was into the whole jesus thing. hm?

i kissed it before walking out the room, clocking it back in the process. it's been a while since i used it, and i'd be very much happy if there was an intruder.

i reached the ground floor, my eyes searching for the trespasser. the silence was ear piercing. i extended my arm, and turned around as i felt a presence behind me.

"baby?" i raised my vision to see a naked mileena. "are you going to shoot me?" i shook my head my mind in a trance at her body. "so then why are you aiming it at my head?"

with a not so innocent smirk on her face, she placed the tip of her index finger on the gun and lowered it. "that's better." my eyes were too focused on her body to make any sudden movements.

"sorry." i apologized and she responded by pressing her body against mine in a much needed hug.

"what were you doing? why'd you have your gun out in the first place?" she whispered against my chest.

"there's someone here." i kissed her forehead proceeding to take off my shirt. "put this on." no one was allowed to see her body, i was the only exception and it'd stay like that.

she listened. i loved when she listened. "good girl." i grabbed her face and pecked her lips. "now go up stairs while i find the intruder."

she nodded obediently and i bit my lip as i watched her walk upstairs. she was so fucking fine, there was this urge that told me to run after her.

and please her in so many ways. ways that were clearly not pg-13. i sighed and directed my vision towards the kitchen.

who the fuck was here?

i journeyed there and extended my arm out as i came upon a figure. it was a woman but she was turnt around facing the pantry.

"who the fuck are you?" the woman stumbled the moment the first word slipped out my mouth.

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