Ep-1 : Granted

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"Please don't ever let go of my hands
For I'll never let go of you again."

-first love

Sharp notes of rumbling piano could be heard from the living room. A very sorrowful melody was what occupying each corner of the room, digging into the wall. A very grievance holding melody which makes heart wrench without even knowing the specific pain. A man with semi long hair was playing the piano. His face was obscure. But she could see his fingers delicately moving over the black and white keys. It said how much passion he was putting into playing an old mere piano of hers. She could sense that, his eyes were closed and teary. She could see every drop of his tear rolling down from his pale white cheeks to the piano keys.....

She stepped towards the guy. She wanted to know why and how that guy got into her house and started playing piano as if he's someone so native to her. But each step she took, twisted her nerves. Her head ached. As the headache was increasing the man was vanishing from there gradually. And before she could reach him, he disappeared so suddenly.....

The whole room got sunken into pin drop silence. Silence was sometimes terribly horrifying. It used to haunt her so bad. She looked here and there but found no one. Eventually she was thrown to a endless lone world. As if it was only her in the whole universe.

She was scared of loneliness and fond of healthy gathering of people, pure bonds which stays forever no matter what. Guess her biggest punishment was loneliness.

She screamed grabbing her head loudly. So loudly that it covered the 'just melody washed' walls.....

Soon her eyes got opened and she started gasping since it was another long episode of her random nightmare series.

"Goddamn it! Just throw some piece of peace from your pouch I beg"

Her begging to divinity sounded almost like cursing tho. She got up and gulped down the whole glass of water. As always, water drops were rolling down from her jaw to chest. She probably never cared about doing something in etiquette considered way. She tried to decrease the AC temperature with an almost broken remote but successfully failed.

"Very nice. So sleeping in awkward period causes this shit, huh?"

She gave up on trying to sleep again and decided to get up, have some snacks while watching TV. A general monotonic weekend~

Lighting a smooth cigarette stick from her favourite Winstone packet she turned on the TV. The cloudy smoke was calming her nerves down and that's when she noticed something interesting in TV News.

"Temples and peaks of mountains are crowded today. A very popular hearsay which korean people believe, 'beg the divinity anything you want and it will be granted today before the lunar eclipse starts'. We can see so many people in traditional cloth, already gathering there to pray to almighty...."

She scoffed and said,

"What rubbish. People really do believe such stuff? I would rather spend the whole day in library being sunken into any toe curling thriller shit."

The cigarette stick was almost turned into ashes. She leaned her head on the top of the couch closing her eyes.

She was tired. Tired of the busy week, of daily annoying job of a waitress, of her academic stress, tired of her constant broken fate.

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