Chapter 15

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Having gone through prep with his stylists multiple times, it should have just been the old routine to survive. But (M/N) hadn't anticipated the emotional ordeal that awaited him. At some point during the prep, each one of them burst into tears at least twice. It turned out they really had become attached to (M/N), and the idea of him returning to the arena had undone them. Combine that with the fact that by losing him they would be losing their ticket to all kinds of big social events, particularly his wedding, and the whole thing became unbearable. The idea of being strong for someone else had never entered their heads, so (M/N) found himself in the position of having to console them. Since he was the one going in to be slaughtered, it was mildly annoying.

He found it interesting, though, when he thought of what Katsuki said about the attendant on the train being unhappy about the victors having to fight again. About people in the Capitol not liking it. He still thought all of that would be forgotten once the gong rang, but it was something of a revelation to him that those in the Capitol felt anything at all about the district people. They certainly didn't have a problem watching children being murdered every year. But maybe they knew too much about the victors, especially the ones who had been celebrities for ages, to forget they were human beings. It was more like watching their friends die. More like the Games were for those in the districts.

By the time Keigo showed up, (M/N) was irritable and exhausted from comforting the prep team, especially because their constant tears were reminding him of the ones undoubtedly being shared at home. Standing there in his thin robe with his stinging skin and heart, he couldn't bear even one more look of regret. So the moment Keigo walked in the door (M/N) snapped, "I swear if you start to cry, I'll kill you here and now."

Keigo just smiled. "Had a damp morning?"

"You could wring me out," (M/N) replied.

Keigo put his arm around (M/N)'s shoulder and led him into lunch. "Don't worry. I always channel my emotions into my work. That way I don't hurt anyone but myself."

"I can't go through that again," (M/N) warned him.

"I know, I'll talk to them," Keigo said.

Lunch made (M/N) feel a bit better. Pheasant with a selection of jewel-coloured jellies, and tiny versions of real vegetables swimming in butter, and potatoes mashed with parsley. For dessert they dipped chunks of fruit in a pot of melted chocolate, and Keigo had to order a second pot because (M/N) just started eating the stuff with a spoon.

"So, what are we wearing for the opening ceremonies?" (M/N) finally asked as he scraped the second pot clean. "Headlamps or fire?" He knew the chariot ride would require him and Katsuki to be dressed in something coal related.

"Something along that line," Keigo said.


When it was time to get in costume for the opening ceremonies, (M/N)'s prep team showed up but Keigo sent them away, saying they did a spectacular job in the morning and there was nothing left to do. They left to recover, thankfully leaving (M/N) in Keigo's hands. He styled (M/N)'s hair and then proceeded with the make-up.

The previous year he had used little so the audience would recognise (M/N) when he landed in the arena. But now his face was almost obscured by the dramatic highlights and dark shadows. Sharp cheekbones, smouldering eyes. The costume looked deceptively simple at first, just a fitted black jumpsuit that covered (M/N) from the neck down. Keigo placed a crown made of heavy black metal on his head. Then he adjusted the light in the room to mimic twilight and pressed a button inside the fabric on (M/N)'s wrist. (M/N) looked down fascinated as the outfit slowly came to life, first with a soft golden light before gradually transforming to the orange-red of burning coal. He looked as if he had been coated in glowing embers - or he was a glowing ember straight from the fireplace. The colours rose and fell, shifted and blended exactly the way coals did.

𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓖𝓸𝓮𝓼 | Katsuki Bakugou x Male readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora