Chapter 6

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Mery chremas everyone 😌✨ (if it's still the 24th for you then rip ig)

Hope everyone is having a great holiday. 

I woulda made another christmas special but I had no ideas so have the next chapter instead 💀 Enjoy.


In that one slight motion, (M/N) saw the end of hope, the beginning of the destruction of everything he held dear in the world. He couldn't guess what form his punishment would take, how wide the net would be cast, but when it's finished, there would likely be nothing left. So despite thinking he would be in utter despair at this moment, the main thing (M/N) felt was relief. That he could give up this game. That the question of whether he could succeed in this venture had been answered, even if that answer was a resounding no. That if desperate times called for desperate measures, he was free to act as desperately as he wished.

Only not here, not quite yet. It was essential to get back to District 12, because the main part of any plan included his mother and Eri, Shoto and his family. And Katsuki, if (M/N) could get him to come with them. He added Shota to the list. Those were the people he had to take with him when he escaped into the wild. How he would convince them, where they would go in the dead of winter, what it would take to evade capture were all unanswered questions. But at least now (M/N) knew what he had to do.

So instead of crumpling to the ground. He found himself standing up straighter and with more confidence than he had in weeks. His smile, while somewhat insane, was not forced. And when President Nezu silenced the audience and said, "What do you think about us throwing them a wedding right here in the Capitol?" (M/N) pulled off boy-almost-catatonic-with-joy without a hitch.

Toshinori asked if the president had a date in mind.

"Oh, before we set a date, we better clear it with (M/N)'s mother," said the president. The audience gave a big laugh and the president put his arm around (M/N). "Maybe if the whole country puts its mind to it, we can get you married before you're thirty."

"You'll probably have to pass a new law," (M/N) said with a chuckle.

"If that's what it takes," the president said with conspiratorial good humour.

Oh, the fun those two had together.


The party, held in the banquet room of President Nezu's mansion, had no equal. The twelve-metre ceiling had been transformed into the night sky, and the stars looked exactly like they did back in 12. (M/N) supposed they looked the same from the Capitol, but who would know? There was always too much light from the city to see the stars here. About halfway between the floor and the ceiling, musicians floated on what looked like fluffy white clouds, but (M/N) couldn't see what held them aloft.

Traditional dining tables had been replaced by innumerable stuffed sofas and chairs, some surrounding fireplaces, others beside fragrant flower gardens or ponds filled with exotic fish, so that people could eat and drink and do whatever they pleased in the utmost comfort. There was a large tiled area in the centre of the room that served as everything from a dance floor, to a stage for performers who would come and go, to another spot to mingle with the flamboyantly dressed guests.

But the real star of the evening was the food. Tables laden with delicacies lined the walls. Everything (M/N) could think of, and things he had never dreamed of. Whole roasted cows and pigs and goats still turning on spits. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savoury fruits and nuts. Ocean creatures drizzled in sauces or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions. Countless cheese, breads, vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of wine and streams of spirits that flickered with flames.

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