The Finish Line

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Deadshot shoots his gun and frees himself from the ice.

"Son of a bitch."

Boomerang asks, "How about helping old Digger out here, eh?"

Deadshot then shoots the ice off Boomerang. Then he does the same with Harley.

He then calls Waller, "Three dead, Waller."

"I'll live with it." Waller tells him, "Just get me the card."

Deadshot then picks up the card and says, "All for a magic trick." 

All of a sudden, Boomerang knocks Deadshot out, "Oh, ye of little faith." He then takes the card.

Harley tells him, "She'll blow your head off too, you know?"

"You're still not getting it, love." Boomerang makes his way to the exit, "I got the card. No one's gonna kill me and waste a pass to the pearly gates on this tosser."

The gun fires almost hit him then he runs out.

Deadshot lifts himself.

In the block of ice, Zoom opens his eyes.

~ ~ ~

Boomerang was about to make his way to freedom, he stops when he sees Tiger getting in the way.

"Benji!" Boomerang stands up and hides the card in his sleeve, "Oh, I thought you were toast, mate. You okay?"

Tiger asks, "Where are the others?"

"Oh, dead." Boomerang lies, "They all killed each other like cats in a bag. Savage, Zoom, all of them."

"What about the card?"

"Well, mate, who knows?" Boomerang continues lying, "Waller's got to bring a cleaning crew for that."

When Boomerang was about to leave, Tiger stops him.

"Even for scum," Tiger comments, "you make a lousy liar."

"Watch it, kitten," Boomerang threats Tiger, "you're not the only one with claws." He brought out a boomerang.

All of a sudden, Zoom comes in and headbutts Tiger. He then throws him aside and then pins Boomerang against the wall.

Zoom punches Boomerang in the face three times and then his stomach three times.

He searches everywhere on Boomerang for the card, "I know you have it." He stops to hold him up, "Give it to me!"

"Screw you."

~ ~ ~

"Cowboy," Harley tells Deadshot, "Zoom just took off. I'll get-"

"No," Deadshot orders her, "you stay." He gets up and leaves the room, "Make sure they don't leave."

While Zoom keeps beating on Boomerang, Tiger sees the card.

After one final punch on Boomerang, Zoom sees the card, but Tiger picks it up and slides it under his bandage. 

He then goes into a fighting position.

Zoom rushes in and all of a sudden he got slashed by Tiger.

He then sees the scratch marks, "Either your reflexes are back or mine are shot." Zoom then was about to grab a dagger, but then he decides to just take the smallest knife. "I'd say this more than evens things."

Zoom then superspeed slash Tiger on the shoulder. Zoom demands him, "Drop the card and walk away."

"What are you gonna do?" Tiger asks, "Kill me?"

"Death by a thousand cut," Zoom explains, "Tiger. I'll have that card by number ten."

Zoom jabs at Tiger, but Tiger dodges then he punched him in the face. Spits out blood and rushed at Tiger.

He then slashes Tiger multiple times and Tiger went down to his knees.

"Did I say ten?" Zoom kneels down to Tiger, "I underestimated." He then slices his neck.

Tiger then drops and then Zoom takes the card. He gets back up and drops the knife.

Deadshot aims all his guns at Zoom.

"Do it." Zoom shows him the card, "Save me the trouble."

Deadshot says, "Maybe I'll just wound you too."

"I promise you, Deadshot," Zoom reminds him, "I'm good for one last hit of speed." "Any bullet you shoot, I'll make sure it's lethal." Zoom taunts him, "So go ahead. Make my afterlife."

All of a sudden, a knife was thrown and sliced his fingers off. The card dropped.

Then Deadshot shoots Zoom. Zoom then drops to his knees and says, "Fuck my life." Deadshot fires one last shot and Zoom drops dead.

Deadshot then picks up the card.

"Tell me." Tiger asks him, "We got him."

Deadshot answers, "He just crossed the finish line."

He then walks up to Tiger, "I can't save you."

"I'm beyond salvation."

Deadshot then gives Tiger the card.

Tiger asks, "You didn't want her to have it either."

"She doesn't deserve it." Deadshot then asks, "What was her name? You fiancé?"


"Pretty name."

Tiger then breathes out his last life. The card then glows and surrounds Tiger's body. Then the glow dies out.

"Uh, I'll be damned."

~ ~ ~

Waller enters the compound. "You better have that freaking card."

Deadshot turns to Waller. He then shows her the card, "Not a scratch on it."

He then gives her the card.

Waller takes the card. "It feels cold." She comments.

"It's a cold world."

Harley comes in, "The Zoom guy, he disappeared. I looked around and-" she then see Waller, "Oh, hi, Wally, how's Trix?"

Waller sighs then complain, "She would live."

"Are we good?" Deadshot asked.

"No one's ever to speak of this, Lawton," Waller tells him, "understood?"

He then walks out, "I'll be seeing you, Waller. Maybe in heaven."

~ ~ ~

Lawton made it to Lacoma and finally gets to see his daughter, Zeo.

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