Mission Brief

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The whole squad is sit down in a big circle with their necks, arms, and legs strapped up.

A doctor goes up to Frost. He holds up a mouth guard, "Open wide, Ms. Frost."

She responds with, "Bite me."

He then tases her to force her to open her mouth. He then puts the mouth guard in her mouth.

"Thank you." He then tells the squad, "Try not to move. We wouldn't want the apparatus to go off accidentally. It happened once to the ten-eyed man."



He then activates the machine and everyone except Harley and Thomas starts screaming in pain. Harley just giggles. While Thomas shows an emotionless gaze. When the machine was finished X shaped scars appear on the back of their necks.

Harley spits out the mouth guard.

"Insertion's complete." He says, "Task Force X is locked and loaded."

~ ~ ~

In Waller's Office, the Suicide Squad gather for their mission briefing.

"What's this all about, Waller?" Tiger asked.

"This is about making me happy, Tiger." Waller replies, "This time I'm searching for something special. A lost card."

Harley comments, "Just call the bank, honey. They'll get you a new one."

"What's it got? Some kind of code?" Deadshot asked.

"You might say." Waller then debriefs, "The last person who had it was this man."

She shows a picture of a blonde hair man with a purple headband, sunglasses, a light blue sweat jacket, and a black v-neck t-shirt.

"He calls himself 'Steel Maxum'."

"Seriously?" Frost asked annoyed.

Waller continues to explain, "Late 20s no distinguishing marks, except for a tramp stamp." The screen then shows an Egyptian Ankh, "An Egyptian Ankh." "We think he played a part in the card's disappearance. But he's been hard to track down." Waller orders them, "Find him, and I'll slice a year off all your sentences." 

Boomerang compliments, "Oh, great, only 87 more suicide missions to go." He then makes a peace sign, "Cheers, Waller." 

She then turns to Arcane, "For you, Arcane, you get to pass your death sentence. Meaning, you get your chance for parole."

Arcane says sarcastically, "Great. Better than money."

Waller then gets up from her seat, "One more thing. This one's off the grid. You'll be dealing with me directly and only me. Deadshot will be your team leader."

"I told you before, Waller, I don't take orders from murderers." Tiger told Waller.

Deadshot asks a joke, "Not even if I said, 'Please'?"

Tiger tells him, "I answer to a higher authority."

"Higher than Waller?" Boomerang asks then points out, "That sounds like blasphemy, mate."

Deadshot and Tiger stare at each other and then Deadshot says, "I'd say maybe we should take this outside. But that's up to her."

Waller then brings up the remote of the bombs, "Settle down, love birds. It's too early to start losing your heads just yet."

~ ~ ~

They went to the garage where Waller shows their vehicle, "I've requisitioned this vehicle for your mission."

The vehicle reveals to be a classic 90s RV.

"You're kidding?" Frost complains.

Waller repeats to them, "Like I said, this one is off the books. No hotels..."

Harley runs into the RV and shouted, "Road trip!"

Deadshot comments, "I guess that'll save us from having to explain him to the concierge."

Copperhead then actually says, "Hiss."

Harley then opens a window, "Hey, we got Cheese Dogs and Chicken Nuggies!"

Everyone didn't react to the snacks.

"Blow me up now."

They then enter the RV.

"I'm driving." Arcane tells them as he goes to the driver's seat.

Deadshot then says, "Be my guest."

"Aw, but I wanted to drive." Harley complains.

~ ~ ~

The door of Belle Rev opens and Arcane drives out.

~ ~ ~

Arcane then merges to an overpass to New Orleans, legally. If Harley did it, she cut a car off or push a car off.

The driver then changes to Deadshot, then Boomerang, then Frost, then Copperhead.

Copperhead then sees a kid in the back seat of a family car trip. The kid makes a face at Copperhead.

Copperhead then opens his mouth and hisses.

The kid then panics.

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