Chapter 1: The fall of Konoha

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Hey, I've recently gotten back into the Naruto fandom and have decided to make a story. It is my au. So, there's no Boruto or any of his friends. Sasuke doesn't marry Sakura. Naruto still marries Hinata. Isshiki comes earlier. And lastly it's a time travel fix-it fanfic. The ships are Sasunaru and Obikaka, also Shikaneji. I hope you enjoy!

(Third person)

The sun was slowly being replaced by the moon, it lowered from the gradient painted sky. Stars emerged from beyond and dotted the sky with light. The darkening atmosphere formed constellations; as if on a painting, the moon being the focal point on this masterpiece.

The view was glamorous; almost as if it was created from hand, a star delicately placed each time.

In the distance screams were heard. The once noble and renown Konoha was up in flames, none of the village escaping the destructive wrath of the flame.

Shinobi were fighting for their lives, injured and running out of chakra. At the centre of it all, a person floated, grinning manically and watching the destruction unfold. He had ivory skin, covered in black markings and a horn. Forget person; he is a demon, deep from the depths of hell. His eyes traveled the area, surveying his servants doing the work for him.

A loud blast caught his attention. He stopped grinning and squinted, scanning over the area where the blast had came from. Finally, spotting the source of the explosion. He drifted over and spotted a couple of Shinobi. A smirk spread across his face like wildfire.

The Shinobi stood upon a toppled over piece of debris. They were well known throughout all five nations as heroes of the 4th great ninja war. They were know as Naruto Uzumaki, the child of prophecy and the 9 tails jinchuuriki. And Sasuke Uchiha, the shadow hokage and the last living Uchiha. They were covered in blood from previous opponents and their own injuries.

"Now, now what do we have here?" The demon said.

"Stop this madness, Isshiki Otsutsuki!" Naruto yelled out.

"Yes, that's my name alright." His eyes darkened, "You better remember it, because it'll be the last name you will remember. Your lives end here!" A deranged laugh erupted from deep within his throat.

Beside Naruto, Sasuke gritted his teeth. His sleeve flopped around in the wind, not having an arm keeping it in place. Sasuke tightened his grip on his Kusanagi sword. It flickered in the blazing fire, creating the image of it being recently sharpened to its full extent.

Naruto looked over his shoulder at Sasuke. His eyes had large bags under them from tiredness. The fight has been going on for hours now, no breaks in between.

"Hey! Sasuke, are you ready to finish this?" He asked over the madman's laughter.

Sasuke took a deep breathe and met his eyes with Naruto's, Rinnegan glaring bright purple in the light . His onyx eye bled into the Mangekyou Sharingan. He nods.

Although they were tired, they had a village to save once again.

"You!? Defeat me!? A god!? I don't think so." The demon called from above, still floating.

"Well there's only one way to find out." Naruto exclaimed.

Isshiki's eyes glowed brightly, as if they were fuelled by his desire to kill.

"You can try. But I warn you; if you don't back out now, you won't escape with your lives." He warned.

"Alright enough talking already! Let's get this over with!" Sasuke interrupted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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