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Lily had been at an interview and this particular interview the interviewer had been a little bit unpleasant with the questions they were asking most of the questions about her personal life. Lily didn't mind sharing things about her life but there was an extent to it.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" the interviewer asked for what seemed to be the 5th time as she had avoided the question hoping they would get the point as she didn't want to answer it. At this point she had been annoyed and said this.

"My personal life is none of your business wether I have a boyfriend or not is none of your business, now if your going to keep nit picking in my personal life I will leave or you could ask questions that are appropriate and not about my private life", she had left the interviewer stunned and frozen not knowing what to say which led to the interview ending.


It was during stray kids concert when a stay had passed out but no one seemed to help the stay even though they were visibly not okay and Lily wasn't having it.

"hey can we get some medical attention or something a stay passed out", Lily had said very clear over to where some staff where but they seemed as if they just ignored her so she took matters into her own hands.

Lily jumped of stage and over to where the stay her members looking at her confused till they too saw the stay. You could tell Lily was worried about the stays well being and wanted to help them before she could reach to touch the stay a bodyguard pulled her back, "hey let me go there is a stay that passed out and no one is helping them".

She was mad no one was helping the stay. If had dawned on the staff that something was wrong once they say how visibly mad Lily was getting the bodyguard away from her and shouting that a stay needed help. " THERE IS A STAY THAT NEEDS HELP", she shouted she was annoyed it took this long for them to help the stay. Good thing the stay ended up being alright Lily even wrote them a letter telling them to get better and take care of themselves.


As much as Lily loved seeing stay sometimes things got carried away.

It was time for Lily and the members to head to California for there next concert in LA. Lily knew something was bound to happen as there where many stays, and paparazzi there.

As they were walking threw to airport han got pushed over by a "stay" who was try to get to her. Lily's first instinct was to help han up and see if he was all  right it didn't help there situation that stays and paparazzi where surrounding them.

"Are you okay hannie?", Lily asked worry on her face. "I'll be fine", he responded. Lily knew he wasn't fine she was going to say something about this incident to stay so this wouldn't happen again. Lily went on Twitter and to there account and with the permission of her manager posted this.

"Lily of Stray kids here

It has come to my attention that there needs to be more rules when it comes to me and my members safety and I have witnessed my member being pushed down today at the airport by a "stay" that was trying to get to me. I understand that stay want to see us and interact with us but there are other ways to do that and also do it safely we should not push anyone that is not okay pushing is not okay in away way. Please I ask if you see us in public or in the airport please be respectful of our personal space, we love interacting with stays and getting to know you guys but we can't do that if the safety for everyone is not provided please do not feel as if I am trying to distance you guys from us but please me mindful of everyone when you do something".

Thank you again this is Lily of Stray kids.

Of course there we people who thought she was over exaggerating or doing too much but the real fans knew that she meant well and just wanted what's best for everyone.

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