"and I remembered Antonie and Jules accidents" I said closing my eyes

"Kaya.." I saw Charles saing my name while a tear flowed

"will we ever get over their death?.." I ask Charles

"I think not, but I'm glad that at least I'm going through this with you" said Charles when he took my hand in his

"I'm glad you're always with me Charles" I told him before George entered the room 

"Kaya are you fine? the engineers told me to come to you quickly because you fainted, what happened?" George asked

"I saw Charles' accident and I think it was all too much for me" I said looking at Charles

"Jezz Kaya, I'm glad you're okay" George told me and hug me

after that, George looked at Charles and thanked him for being with me and told him that he was glad that he was fine

"so.. finally did you do something on the track?" I ask George

"P2 babyyy" he shouted

I stayed with the two of them in the room for a while and after that I went to the hotel

I got dressed and waited for Charles to come pick me up so we could all go to a bar to spend some time together

I got dressed and waited for Charles to come pick me up so we could all go to a bar to spend some time together

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that's how I dressed

after I was ready, Charles followed me and we went to the bar together where we met the rest

after a while we were all sitting in a place with many sofas and Max came up with the idea to play a game, truth or dare

"Gasly, truth or dare?" Max asked

"hmm, true"

"is it true that you miss Yuki?" Max asked

"Oh yea, really very much" Pierre said

"Kaya, truth or dare?" Max said

"I will choose truth" I said smiling

"hmm, hard" Max said "is it true that you kissed a driver?"

"if we are only talking about those from F1 then yes" i said

"you have to say with who" said George, who I felt a little tense being next to me

"ok, with Lando, at the party, we were drunk and it became more than a simple dance" i said laughing

"guilty" Lando said holding up two fingers

"um ok.. i didn't expect that.. finally, Lewis truth or dare?" Max said

"Dare" Lewis said

"okk, I challenge you to drink 4 shots"

Lewis did the challenge and after a LONG time it was my turn again

"Kaya Russell, truth or dare?" Lando said

"I think truth" i said

"No no no, not again" Carlos said

"Ok ok, dare" i said

"Lando, Lando, let me challenge her" Carlos said being a little drunk

"Kaya Russell, I challenge you to sit on Charles' lap until the end of the game" he said

"ok, it's not that bad" i said

"hi Charleeees, how are you?" I said smiling

"hi Charleeees, how are you?" I said smiling

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This is how I sit on Charles' lap

"Charles keep your hands at home" I heard George say that to Charles

quite a few rounds passed and now we were all getting ready to leave so I tried to get up from Charles, but he stopped me

"Charles?" I said laughing

"please stay" Charles said

"ok but just a little" i said

I sat next to him with my head on his shoulder and stayed like that for another 2 minutes until Lewis came

"come on Kaya, we have to go" he said

"ok sorry Charles I really have to go"

I got up and left the bar with Lewis, the whole way in the car was silent, so when we arrived in front of the hotel, we stopped it right before we entered

"why are you like this?" I ask him

"I do not know what are you talking about" Lewis said going to the door to enter the hotel

"I don't understand why you are like that" i said

"maybe because you tell in front of the all grid that you kissed Lando Norris and then you sit on Charles Leclerc's lap" shouted Lewis when he turned his face to mine

"were challenges Lewis" I scream at him

"did the challanges also make you kiss Lando and stay after the game with Charles?" Lewis asked me, shouting at me


"that's what I thought too" Lewis said

we were both silent, I had nothing left to say, we were both just sitting in silence, me looking at the ground and Lewis looking at me and putting his hands on his head

"I know I was wrong, but I don't know why it bothers you so much.." I said looking at Lewis

"because i care about you" he said

"why? tell me, why do you care about me so much?" I ask him

"I don't know, but I do it so just move on" he said

"now can we enter the hotel and see each other about our business?" Lewis said

"ok if that's what you want" I said and entered the hotel first and hurried to the room


♡this part is a little more complicated

♡what do you think that Kaya has a little left and will compete again??

♡vote for the story so I know to hurry with the next part

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