Chapter Nine: The Attack

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The clicking of heels echoed off the metal hallways as the tall opposing fiery Alanno women marched her way to the sealed room guarded by two flanking navy Alannos. Slick black horns produced out of her captain's hat as her blue uniform, littered with metals and ribbons, was handcrafted to fit well the built top heavy Alanno. Over her multitude of metals was a rectangular name tag with the name General Mottobgnol. The sturen emotionless Alanno radiated power and authority, showing off who is in command here. Right behind her was a young man in a similar attire but with no flourishes holding a small stack of folders under his arm.

 Right behind her was a young man in a similar attire but with no flourishes holding a small stack of folders under his arm

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As the two got near the door the two guards stepped aside. Then one of them pressed some passcode on a dashboard and the heavy door clunked open. In silence the two walked in.

The fluorescent light buzzed in the sterile metal room. A lone table in the center of the room had one aluminum chair on one side with two more on the other. And sitting on the lone chair was a ruffled up pink and purple punk hair woman in a leather jumpsuit. Her eyes shot daggers at the tall Alanno as she gritted her teeth. The Alanno general and her human male secretary took their seats opposing the ruffled up punk woman as the sound of the door closing with a dull bang.

Nobody spoke as the secretary put the stack of folders on the table. The top heavy Alanno picked up a folder, opened it up and began reading. The human woman looked impatient as she shifted in her seat, crossing her arms.

The uneasy silence continued as the Alanno General continued to read in silence, flipping through the pages, but it was the human male that had his eyes darted between the two imposing women. Finally the silence broke.

"Bite me," growled the human woman.

"If only I could, but that's frowned upon." The Alanno snapped back with an icy coldness, making the room feel chilly, not looking away from her papers. "Although I don't think nobody would mind if your frontal lobe was torn off after what you tried to pull." She flipped through a few pages before clearing her throat.

"Lenna Grunnson, you are charged with arson of public, private and government property, over a dozen assassinations attempts, and the reason you're here, the attempt to blow up the U.N.A. Dreadnought Arkmuss with an antimatter bomb." The General said as if she was reading a report card.

The human woman just huffed, turning away.

"The sentence for such crimes is life in prison on a remote space station or execution."

Lenna didn't move.

"Unless you reveal your organization's, the WWA, Woman Against the Alanno, whereabouts." Lenna slightly turned her head and scowled at the General.

"What is your answer?" General Mottobgnol said coldly.

Lenna looked at the human secretary then back to the imposing Alanno. The General did the same.

"Mr. Akcin, you are dismissed."

"General Mottobgnol!" The man protested but the Alanno raised her hand, silencing him.

"I can handle this on my own. Wait for me outside until I call for your assistance." She said with no emotion.

Without another word Mr. Akcin stood up and exited the room, but not before looking back one more time, looking worried at both women. Just as the heavy lock clicked Lenna made her first move.

"I'd rather go to hell than tell you anything, husband stealer!"

"My relationship with your ex-husband has nothing to do with what is going on now," General Mottobgnol said flatly.

"It has everything to do with everything!" Roared Lenna. This made the General raise her eyebrow.

"If you don't make him break up with me all of this would have been prevented!"

"Really, I head a very different story,"

"Oh and what lies did you make him say?" Lenna growled.

"He told me you were a manipulated person who tried to cut him off from family and friends. You want all of his attention to the point of threatening his life if he doesn't take you out on "romance" activities. He didn't leave the abuse until I stepped in. If he continued to stay as your husband I would fear he would be dead by now," the General said sternly and coldly.

"You stole his love for me, we were happy until you crashed into our lives and forced him joined the space marines! He said it was his duty to protect me and the world! Well news flash I am the world!" Lenna spat, sounding like she was beginning to froth in the mouth.

"That would explain your current path of destruction. Everything you did was a way to prevent Mr. Akcin from leaving earth, regardless if you had to harm innocent people's lives."

"You are not innocent, your parasites sucking humanity dry. I'm on to your conspiracy! I see your lies!"

"All I see is a sociopath woman who is lashing out in a misguided attempt to get your ex-husband back." The General stated, picked up the folders. "I got what I came for. You will be put away for a long time." The General stood up, ready to leave.

Suddenly Lenna screamed and lunged at the General, ready to bite and claw the Alanno to death. But with quick reflexes the General grabbed the woman's neck and held her at arm's length in the air as the deranged woman thrash about.

"Assault on a General is the death penalty," the General voice grew icy and dark, her eyes showing only one emotion, anger. "But I love Mr. Akcin and he still has some lingering attachments to you, so you just be sent away to where monsters like you will never hurt anyone ever again."

"You're the monster!" Lenna roared like a beast.

With a quick swing the General threw the woman across the room, hitting her head on the back wall, knocking her out. The General just snorted, her ancestral urges to claim what is hers quelled, readjusting her uniform.

The door opens and she steps out, seeing the worried face of her secretary. "She's bumped her head, but she will be fine. She also confessed to her crimes so her sentence will me light."

"Did she say why she did it?" The secretary asked, looking behind the large Alanno to see his ex slumped against the wall.

"No, but that did not matter, come I desire something sweet." The General walked off sternly as her secretary followed.

"Do you want your large coffee with triple sugar, extra cream and three layer red velvet with whip cream?" The secretary smiled.

"You spoil me something, yes I will love that," the General said without changing her expression, but her tail wagged in happiness.

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