Chapter 23

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The sun beams bright, catching on the clouds and whipping the skies into a dreamscape. Purples mix with orange, pushing blushing pinks and blues to vibrancies I've never seen before.

"The skies here are different from the mortal world. It's different for many reasons. We represent good, and purity. Stuff like that. Everyone else's world has fallen to shambles. High living by their standards, but we've seemed to hit a backward point in time, many centuries ago."

I'm sitting with Thomas, on top of the wagon. Different dimensions parallel in the universe. I guess you could say that. It makes sense. The world is a great place, but people don't seem to see it. Trees stand tall against the hills, a forest not too far from here. I'm pretty amazed by it. They're dark and eerie against the sunrise. "Those woods are dangerous. We do our best not to stray into them." Thomas and I already ate. Internal clocks are synced apparently. It's getting warmer out, every minute we spend as the sun climbs higher in the sky. My mind drifts back to the benefactor. Who is he? Or she?

We need to leave and fast. I need to get back to the library, back to the real world but that doesn't seem to be happening right this minute, does it? Mazuka finally drags himself out of bed, dressed and ready to go with Matteo trailing behind him. "So, I understand you need to take your leave. And you already have your gifts, so those will offer you protection. Mazuka is powerful, he's a hunter. You're intelligent, you stick to the plan." Thomas is standing by the largest wagon in his circle, tying everything into place.

"We have to get going, sir. The forest is waking up." He looks out towards the line of trees, and from atop our little mountain, we can see birds fly away.

"You may be right. Gather everyone and everything. We cannot let the demons catch up to us." He ties the last knot. Even Matteo seems to sense something's wrong because he sticks by me like a burr. When everyone is ready to go, we set off on the same path. A line of wheels gets moving, groaning, and grumbling. 

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