Jefrace losers and anazing gods

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Amy pov

"I was most unpleasant meeting you jake, so if you don't mind showing yourself out of my car now" Amy yelled at the dead beet egotistical male sitting next to her.

"Fine you'll want me they always come back" he said getting out of her car slamming the door.

Amy sighed as she started driving back to her little house on the other side of town.

She couldn't bear being away from her sweet little girl for long periods of time. She hated doing these things sometimes. Lane ass losers like the one she just dropped off made her hope of finding a real man that can dominate her like she does her little flower back home.

She stopped at a stop light that had just turned red, she pulled out her phone to see a text from her darling princess.

When are you getting home mommy I miss you. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but I can't sleep if your not holding me.

I typed back to her

I'll bee their soon princess. Sadly no success with a daddy yet, but for now your all I need.

I put my phone away and hurried home to meet my darling princess who seems to have been super excited about my text, because no less than 2 minuets later she was blowing up my phone with texts. I stopped by the. Chinese food since I didn't eat earlier with the horrible mistake date with the butt face I dropped off. I ordered sticky rice compound chicken and veggies. I payed then sat down in a booth near the counter.

As soon as I sit down a man about 6,3 with dirty blond hair and clean shave walked into the door drenched in water from the water outside that I have just realized has started raining while I was sitting here. He walked to the counter with the stride of an absolute dominating man that had my legs clenching. He ordered with the voice that should be illegal to even have , and sat down at the table next to the both I was currently in. He sat down, and looked at me. When he looked at me I swear time stopped his blue eyes made everything else about him seem way sweeter than he did when he first walked in.

" Hello my name is Giovanni Comiska, and who might you be" he said with a slight Italian Australian accent that could kill.

" Amy Nauru and I have a girl at home so if you want me get both of us" I say before I get to attached to him.

He didn't say anything for a long while, so we just sat their waiting for our orders.

Sorry it's short it's just a tester chapter to see how you guys like this - Lug

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