Its your decision to make...

Start from the beginning

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again"

'Fair enough' Leo thought to herself with a head tilt,

"So step aside and let me pass" Leo nearly grinned at the girls attempt to threaten them,

"I'm afraid we can let the happen" Kaz now spoke up,

Alina threw her hands out, a bright steering light admitting from them that caused Leo, Jesper and Kaz to be blinded temporarily.

Leo could vaguely see that herself and the two boys keeled over and covered there eyes, when she turned to spotted a brief outline of Inej still standing.

'Fuck' she thought, as she heard the Summoners footsteps get more distant from them,

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Later in the night, Leo and Jesper had finished their job and headed into a small pub bar where Inej are Kaz were waiting for them.

Opening the large wooden door Leo walked in first and spotted Kaz instantly by the brooding face, she quickly made way to their table, Jesper sitting besides her as the sat.

"The alarm trigger is set" She told Kaz as he looked up at them,

"Horses are ready and we've stashed the rest of our gear" Jesper finished for her, Leo glanced around the open space subtly looking for the long haired girl,she spotted her walking towards the table.

"If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us" Kaz explained, "we can't waste any more time looking for the girl" he finished as Inej took her seat at the table,

"I just settles our tab with the last of our coin" Inej spoke as she sat,

Jesper looked baffled and Leo kept her gaze on Inej, the girl looked tired and fed up. Leo quickly connected that she had spoken to Kaz, nothing slips past his watch eyes.

"We're really gonna leave empty-handed, then?" Jesper asked,

"We've got nothing left Jesper, no money, no plan and a barely functional tin can to get us ho-" Leo was cut off by a loud bang echoing the streets outside the pub.

The four looked at each other in alarm, the trigger had been pulled on their trap. The Black General was here.

"Our alarm" Jesper sighed,

The four quickly stood as Kaz told them "split up, much easier to take a Grisha one-on-one than a whole squad of them. Rendezvous at the fountain" the all nodded and set off to the exit,

They didn't get a chance to split up once they exited as Grishas swarmed the bottom of the street,

Leo and Inej stared at one Infini, a girl,

"Fuck-" Leo muttered, recognising the resemblance between the now dead Infini Inej killed and the woman in front of them,

"No!" The woman screamed and Kaz quickly yelled,


The four scattered, Jesper one way, Kaz the other and Inej and Leo were left to head upwards together.

Blasts of fire shot past them as the ran for a hole in the wall ahead, one barely missing Leo by an inch and hitting the wall besides her,

The ran into a building full on pipes and stone pillars, not a lot of places to hide.

The two girls made eye contact and silently agreed on a split up, Inej took cover behind a large pipe and Leo headed to the left side of the room hoping to find some cover there.

Deadly Little Leo - Inej GhafaWhere stories live. Discover now