Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

I turn my attention to Niall and he blows out a long breath. He runs a hand through his hair again and I smooth over my clothes, fixing any "mess" from our interrupted make out.

"Your dad hates me now, doesn't he?" He sighs again, a concerned look on his face.

"Honey," I chuckle.

"My dad definitely likes you. He wasn't angry, irritated--yes, but not angry. We should just be a lot more careful." He nods and scratches the back of his neck.

"I just can't seem to control myself around you." He blushes upon admitting this to me and I smile.

"Neither can I. This just means we're equal to blame." His lips quirk for a short moment then fall into a frown again.

"You're absolutely sure that this won't cause friction between he and I?" I pull his body toward mine and press a soft kiss to the hinge of his jaw.

"I'm positive. My dad really likes you, Niall."

"I had gathered that before this." I playfully scoff at him and roll my eyes. I pull back and look up at him.

"Niall, he loves you. Trust me on this." He watches me for a moment before sighing. I smile triumphantly.

"Okay, Spencer. Okay." My brow arches and he leans in for a quick peck. I giggle and grab his hand, pulling him into the main corridor again.

. . .

"Thank you for visiting!" Amy calls after us as we exit her room.

"Goodbye, sweet girl. Feel better soon." I reply and step out behind Niall. Harry and Sarah follow us out as well and we stop to say goodbye to them.

"Thank you for coming by. She really enjoyed that." Sarah says, while hugging us.

"No problem, girl. If you're up to it, we should go get our nails done or something one of these days." I suggest. She could definitely use the distraction. She looks really stressed and even thinner than the last time I saw her, despite the way she's smiling right now.

"That sounds great actually. We'll work out the details soon." I nod and grin.

"Harry?" Amy calls from inside the room.

"Looks like I've gotta go, but yes. Thank you for coming by. As Sarah said, Amy really enjoyed that. As did we." Sarah nods in agreement.

Niall and Harry give each other a quick hug, then Sarah and Niall hug as Harry pulls me in for a quick one.

"Have a good evening. Oh, and please--for the love of God, do not let your father catch you two making out again." I roll my eyes and push Harry away.

"Let it go!" He laughs and waves to us, following Sarah inside to Amy's room.

Niall quickly links his fingers with mine as we begin walking to the elevator. Things are quiet between us until we walk inside and press "up".

"Are you excited?" I nod and welcome the sweet kiss on my temple.

"I'm a little nervous too. I don't know why." I shrug with a small chuckle. Niall squeezes my hand.

"I think you're going to do great. I think she's just going to absolutely fall in love with the woman who saved her life." I roll my eyes and he squeezes my hand again.

"Stop it, Niall."

"What? Stating the truth? Now, why would I stop doing that?" He chuckles and brings our clasped hands up to his mouth. He presses a loving kiss to the back of mine.

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