Guess who's back??? 🙃

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It was wired having the Dutchman in the room but somehow Charles felt safer, more peaceful, less scared. He didn’t know how to explain it. Next to him on the chair Max was fast asleep. He looked so harmless so… Charles couldn’t explain it. But he did question why they spent all their lives hating each other. No, no, no he definitely knew why, Max has always been and will always be a fucking asshole.  There is no way he is being nice without a reason, he is hiding something.


Max pulled him out of hos thoughts.

-Morning sleepyhead.. Charles said while laughing he didn’t know why bit it was so easy to joke around with the Dutchman. It wasn’t forced it was natural and it felt nice.

-oh come on Charlie, I just closed my eyes for a sec. Why don’t you tell me what you were daydreaming about, huh?

- I was just thinking how stupid I’ve been to late you stay, you and your stupid face.

That stupid face with those piercing blue eyes and the… What the heck Charles? This your biggest enemy what drags are they giving me? Charles thought.

-Oh you know you love me and my stupid face just like I love your stupid face with that shitalking mouth…

Max said and the both started laughing. A loud gasp brought them back to reality.

-Verstappen? What—what the hell are you doing here?

- Mom? Max, Max was trying to help don’t, don’t  worry….

- Hey, miss Leclerc. I know me and Charles are not great friends or anything but all of us are worried. The crash was horrifying I just wanted to see how he was doing  myself you know. I’m going to go now—

- No, Max please stay for breakfast it was nice having some company and you haven’t updated me yet on how things on the paddock are…

- Ok sure…

-  I’m glad to see you finally put the rivalry aside I always believed you could be great friends… Charles mon amour, I have to go home Arthur is a bit sick don’t worry its just a cold. Max it was nice seeing you. Have fun boyzz and for the love of god please don’t try to kill each other…

- We wont mom, call when Arthur gets better yess?

- Oui mon pettit I will…Bye bye now duty calls..

To say max felt uncomfortable is an understatement but it all felt right? It felt like, like…. He couldn’t really explain it. It was nice calming, warming feeling.

- So…. I- ah thanks again for you know everything, it means a lot and having someone that can understand its you know amazing.

- You know Arthur gets you too, right? He also a racer, a driver—

- Yeah I know but he is my little brother you know, I don’t want to bother him and its….

- I understand Charles I have a little sister too. Don’t worry you wi—

- Good morning Charles I – oh you have company I can come later

- No, no you don’t have too. Good morning doc, don’t mind max you can talk in front of him.

- Well I have really good news for you, you will be relisted when the paperwork is done there is no reason to keep here longer but you will have to visit often or a nurse will come to you we will arrange it….

-  OH, wow thanks, finally im getting the hell out of here..

- Well I’m gonna leave you two now, will be back and more details in a bit

- Thanks Doc

- Omg Charles, that’s amazing newsss

- Yeah I cant believe this cant wait  to surprise my mom she is going to be so happy… And since im out of here I will be able to train again and race

- Yeah man cant wait to race you. I love racing you man, honestly you are and will probably always will be the best rival. I swear racing makes me feel more alive and I know why but I always feel so much better when I’m battling against you.

- Yeah well the feelings are mutual mate, you are the only one that can truly challenge me.

Charles couldn’t believed he would be out of this fucking hell. Yes he did crash on purpose but there only two options either race with everything you got or pay a visit to the ones you love and are long gone. Being stuck in a hospital bed unable to do anything is not option, to quite honest its just torture. He thought he had lost option one two but reminded him why he loved the sport, how it was the only thing that made him feel alive, strong ready for all the bullshit life had planned for him. Max brought his spark back but he will never ever admit that. After they still hate each other. And that’s probably the only thinks besides f1 that make him feel alive, that brings energy, passion to his miserable life.   The doctor came with a bunch of papers. You could literally right a fucking books goddd.

-Well Charles as you will read in the papers one of the conditions under witch, you will be aloud to go home is that you have someone stay with you.  And they have to sign the papers too, so a suggest you call your lovely mother. I’m guessing she is the one you will stay with? Or maybe your brother ?

-Shit, I’m well Arthur is a bit sick and mom is staying with him for a while till he feels better but I  can not fucking stay here another second. I’m sure  there will be something we can do…

-Well, I’m sorry charles but i cant let you go home by yourself..

Shit, fuck this was not happening he was finally aloud to go home and the doctors decided he is a 5 year old and needs supervision from his mom? Are the serious? What kind of sick, twisted game is this?

-I will take him, we’ve known each other our hole lives.. What do you say doc?

-Oh don’t ask me charles is mister, mister…

-Verstappen but you can call me Max Doc…

-Very well, do you want Max to be your way out?

Yayyy, finally a chapterrrr. Its 3am here but oh well (creative hours😂😂). Its been almost 2 months god im so,si sorry.... But oh well as ive said before this year is stupidddd. Take care lovesss. Alsoo cant wait for f1 to start proparly againnnn🙃🙃(lets hope ferrari wont scrue everything up again)

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