Yess it's a chapter finally it's been soooo long😂😂

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So I had written half a chapter went to continue while I had some time and I found out everything was lost so yeah that's greattt.... I have to do everything again and oh god that sucks like whyyyyyyy? The whole story is deleted from my phone thank god I had published most of what I've written to wattpad and it's not completely lost...... But I lost half a chapter and I had put so much effort it was kinda tricky to write and now it's all gone😭😭😭😭 Anyway I hope you had a great Christmas and I wish you all happy new year although I think I will post this after new year has started but it doesn't matter. May the 2023 be a better year for everyone full of happiness....(health is really important too) So here is the next chapter I don't even know if it's good probably completely different from I had originally planned but everything happens for a reason maybe it's better like this? Hope you like it please comment your thoughts it helps me a lot more than you can imagine... finally sorry for not updating in like forever but this year is crazy and I have no time for anything 😂

"Max, what the heck? Wha- what are you doing here?" Charles asked between sobs.

" I-umm I came here to apologize...You know for being a dick the other night on the phone. I shouldn't have said that I know I was wrong and the truth is that I pulled you out of that car cause I couldn't just leave you there you a great driver Charles, the only that has ever actually challenged me and I couldn't imagine walking in a circuit where you wouldn't be there. I'm truly sorry for what I said I really didn't mean any of that crap", max tried to explain his eyes watering cause he realized Charles had another panic attack had he caused this one to? Did his cruel words hurt Charles that much?

" I don't understand max you already apologized?"

" Well yeah but I wanted to be sure you know I said I lot of shit so..."

" it's okay I already told I forgive you about the stuff you said and I appreciate you saving me pure mum wouldn't be able to take it and Arthur he can't lose another person he loves.. so yeah thanks max really.."

" You better know? You know I should tell the doctor you just had another flipping panic attach? This is serious"

"nah it's fine thanks again for your help. Just so you know nothing changes between us Verstappen we still hate each other this was just..."

" an incident" Max said and they both started laughing..... Charles hadn't laughed in so long at least not real a laugh.. he can't remember the last time he did...

"hey Charles mum couldn't co-.... Max? What are you doing here?" Arthur was so confused... first max saves Charles then he calls and is fucking asshole then he apologizes and then this? What on earth is he doing here? Like they fucking hate each other since they first met and they had so many "incidents" (not just on the track )? So what is max doing here and most importantly why is fucking hugging his brother? Also is he crying or has he gone mad? Were they laughing when he walked in too? Honestly none of this makes sense... his train of thought stops suddenly when max replies

" oh I-umm I came here to apologize again cause I was a complete asshole and some pretty shitty things and I wanted to be sure that Charles was okay-"

" okay that's enough max see on track when I can drive again thanks for everything goodbye now"

Charles said quickly stopping max from reviling to his younger brother that he had yet another fucking stupid panic attack.. He couldn't even imagine Arthur's reaction and he didn't want to also he wanted to avoid talking with max out of all people about his attacks. They started when Jules past away and got even worse when his dad joined him and icing on the cake was when Antoine left him too. A part of him wished max had let him in the car but the rest of him knew how his mum and brothers didn't deserve such heartbreak so he was thankful to the person he hated the most.

" So Charles care to explain why the person you claim to hate the most was hugging

you?" Arthur decided not to mention the concern and the tires threating to spill from the Dutchman's face.

" I-ah, I he was trying to apologize I don'twhy he hugged me, I just didn'thave the energy to fight him I swear..."

" yeah sure whatever you say Charles. Anyways the food news are that I convinced mum to let you race again"

" really you did? How? I was sure she would never let me back.." Charles couldn't believe his ears that was great racing was all he had left he felt connected with Jules and Antoine and of course with his biggest supporter his dad..

" Well let's just say that as the youngest and most charming and cute brother I can be quite convincing...." Arthur said adding a wink and the started laughing like kids again...

" You wish you were little shit you wish" Charles said between laughs...

" welcome back Charlie I missed you" Arthur whispered he was so happy his brother was laughing genuinely again. He was missing his older brother and he was so glad that he seemed better...

To be completely honest Charles panic attach really scared the hell out of max. When Lando told him that Charles wasn't mentally ok he thought the Brit was exaggerating. At least he hoped so. He wasn't stupid he did realize Charles smiles weren't real at all. He could see the pain in his eyes. He could understand the younger boy he had been through sooo much he lost his godfather and his dad and one of his best friends not many people could face such tragedy but Charles did and Max admired him for his strength he would never admit it though. After all they were destined to hate each other. Another thing he would never admit not even to himself was the worm feeling he got when he made Charles genuinely laugh and how beautiful his green eyes looked when he was smil-, what the heck Max thought... He convinced himself that this was just because he had never seen Charles smiling and he went to sleep or well he tried, someone had other plans
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Ma- Max please I ne- need you...He-help"
"Charles what happened I'm on my way stay with me on?"
"Ha- harry up please.."
" I'm almost there Charles just a sec, hold on"
Max rushed into the room and run up to shaking Charles Leclerc..
"Shit Charlie, what the heck happened?"
" I- I saw Jules it-it was so real and-and I- he..." Charles wouldn't stop crying he wasn't shaking that much anymore though it was like Max had the magic ability to calm him down in seconds..
"Shhhh, it ok Charlie don't worry I'm here, I'm not leaving" Max whispered while stroking his back. " Do you want me to stay in case it happens again?"
"could you?" Charles asked with puppy-dog eyes.. He was grateful Max didn't ask him why he called him and not any of his brothers or his mum. He didn't know why he did himself it was like an instinct all he could think was Max, Max call Max...
"Yeah, I know how bad they can get I used to have panic attacks when I was younger let's just say my dad was not really that fun..."
" I'm so sor-sorry"
"don't be it wasn't your fault"
Max shut down to the chair Charles mum has spent many nights, Charles tried to sleep but it was impossible his mind wouldn't let him....
" you can't sleep huh?" Max asked looking worriedly at him.
"Non, it impossible I can't stop thinking"
" I know we are not friends, I mean we practically hate each other but if need to talk I'm here we can pretend I never was in this room"
" No it's ok but thank you Max. Of course we will pretend none of this ever happened. You will be my little secret Verstappen" Charles said and tried to wink but failed miserably causing both of them to laugh. There was that laugh Max missed so much. This was going to be an interesting day...

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