The backstory and the start..

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They say there is a fine line between love and hate.....

Charles was five years old when he met Max, he wanted be friends with him but max was a "little bastard".....In reality Max  wanted to become friends too but he was so scared of his dad. Yes Josh verstappen was a scary man and definitely not father of the year. The amount of times he told his five year old son "You are not here to make friends you are here to race " or "They will make you weak..." are countless. He even hit him once cause he saw him talking with Alex. His dad was a fucking monster to say the least but little max believed that his dad wanted the best for him so he just listed to him plus he was so fucking scared.The  rivary between the two boys was getting more intense and till they were teenagers everyone could tell they hated each other. The battle moved from the truck in their real life as well and it was really intense. When max moved to f1 before Charles, Charles hated him more than ever or so he thought. Charles was broken by the time he moved to f1. He lost he father and his god-father...He focused on the races to forget about the pain. He need to hide his feelings even from his self. He also used other technics hidden pretty well from everyone. Physical pain made forget, feel better...The scars on his wrists always hidden....He would always put on a petty smile for his mom, for his brothers, for the fans but when he was safe in his apartment he would cry for hours. Nobody knew his secret and under no circumstances should anyone  find out. That would his end not just the end of his career as a driver. Max on the other hand was suffering as well. His father would never give him a break, he was never satisfied. He would scream and bit him up badly he ended up in the hospital twice for fucks sake. He couldn't stand him anymore. He missed his mom and his sisters and being happy. He couldn't remember the last he was genuinely happy, he couldn't remember the last he felt safe, the last time he could be himself without being scared or ashamed. The only person that could make him forget about his dad even for a little bit was his teammate Daniel. His problems got worse when Charles made it into f1. His father was treating him even worse and the pressure to be better was getting unbearable. That's why he hated Charles even more now. The final straw was when his enemy singed with Ferrari. Yess his enemy that's what they became and when the young monegask was signed by one of the best teams, his father beated him so bad that he ended up in a hospital bed. Even thou he was tire he remembers wanting to ran Charles over with his redbul. He couldn't stand him, he was so perfect everyone loved him. The great Charles leclerc who has been through so much, who lost a father and a god-father/friend/brother in such a young age...Bulshit max thought, Charles is not as innocent as everyone thinks he will always remember their "insident" when that fucking asshole pushed him off the truck after the flag. Yet every single fucking person on the planet love that idiot and hated max. They love his pretty face (he wasn't even that good looking according to max) and his "cute"dimples and that "perfect" smile. Max on the other hand fucking hated the guy with his whole heart.  Soon the first race of the year was starting exciting for max a fucking nightmare for Charles. You see suzuka was were Jules had his fatal accident. His beloved godfather was gone in that circuit. He wondered why the hell Ferrari made him race there like it was nothing...How could they? They didn't even ask him if he was okay but even even if they did he would have probably  told them that he was fine, that it was his job. Everyone kept saying he was their golden boy that team cared so much for him yet they never asked him...They just told him and Seb to win the race bring the trophy back home. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't think straight it's been years since the accident but he never got over it. A part of him died that day with Jules. Seb noticed the young driver wasn't his self and he made efforts to talk to him but the monegask kept his wals shut. He appreciated his teammate though and he really admired him. Sebastian vettel was his idol growing up and he could never imagine being in a team with him. On the other side of track max was being screamed at. His dad was furious cause he caught max eating some chocolate which was obviously out of his diet. He knew Josh wouldn't hit him not in the face at least but lets just say its not the best thing that can happen before an already stressful first race weekend (still Friday but you know). Max also knew that talking back or trying to defend himself would make things worse so he kept quiet and let his dad get all his anger out. God it wasn't even quali day it was just fp1. Getting in the car felt like going straight to hell for Charles but he had to do it for Jules for his dad for everything they did so he could keep racing. The practice started and everything was going well till the famous corner came.... He couldn't stay concentrated he lost control of the car and then everything went black. Max was fucking furious that stupid idiot..."What the actual fuck, leclerc?"he yelled while getting out of his red bull. "How can you be sooo stupid? Did you forget how to drive asshole??" He was near the Ferrari now ready to fucking murder the young driver. "Get out leclerc, or are you scared ?" no response, "I said get the fuck out!" still nothing no response, no reaction, no movement. What the hell max thought. Charles wasn't moving he was passed out, max knew he needed to get him out, the car could blow up any second now. He reached Charles hands and pulled him out, he got his helmet off and slapped him. He slapped him hard for two reasons one he was fucking mad and two he needed to wake him up. It worked Charles started moving. "My head hurts" he said not even realizing that max was the one that got him out. "No shit, Sherlock. Come on let's get to the ambulance". Max didn't want to admit that he helped Charles cause he couldn't leave him he told himself that he did it for his image that after saving the golden boy people would actually like him but the truth was he couldn't stand the thought of losing him. He hated  him still but he couldn't live without the monegask and his challenges......

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