Winning a Date With Ansel Elgort

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(This an original one-shot of winning a date with the legendary Ansel Elgort, hope you enjoy!)

Today is April 27, 2015, the day that results in something I, Lily Jackson, will never forget.

It started out a normal day. I woke up, checked my phone, went downstairs for breakfast, got ready, went to school, etcetera, etcetera. But then I was on Instagram when Ansel Elgort, 2015 heart-throb, posted about a thing going on so that you could donate money to a charity to enter a contest to win a date with him, Ansel. I thought Heck yes, even if I don't win, it's for a good cause. And then I immediately went to donate some money. That's what any other reasonable person would do right? The website said that the winner would be announced in about two weeks. Two weeks! That seemed way to long, but what does it matter, I'm just going to get to find out who won the contest and be sad because it wasn't me. I would never win knowing my luck, but it was too late to back out now.

One week later, I posted a thing or Facebook about the result being in one week and within ten months minutes, my phone had exploded. "What results?" about a thousand people commented, " Really! You can win a date with Ansel Elgort for only like five dollars?!" others said. Jeez, they're out of the loop. Appears that this was not a big thing at my school, that is until now. So that means there's about 400 more Ansel crazy girls entering the contest, there goes the one percent at me winning. "Did you enter the contest yet?" my friend Cece asked. "Well duhhh. I pretty much introduced this school to it when I posted that thing yesterday."
"Really? I thought it was like a new thing! How come you didn't tell me sooner?!" she let all Hell fire rain down on me for not telling her. She went into a long spiel on how friends must be loyal to one another and tell them anything they don't know about what's going on in the world, so on so forth. Now it's clear that she is a Cece is a bit crazy when it comes to, as she said, hottest-man- on- Earth, Ansel Elgort (talk about dramatic fangirling).

One day until the results are announced! I'm so excited that I couldn't concentrate on my school work! I may or may not have doodled all over my "In the Times of the Cold War" work sheet...oops. It feels like there's an anxious energy bouncing around the school today. It's going through just about every girl here, like when you make a chain of people holding hands then only the first one touches a live wire and it pulses down to everyone. Yeah. It's like that, only instead of electricity it's a case of the jitters. "Can I use the restroom?" I ask Mrs. Lewis in my most innocent, sophisticated voice I can manage. I'm not exactly the kind of kid that you let out to the bathroom of her own, unless you want to end up with a 'lost' student who is really just wandering the halls because she hates your class (with a passion). "Miss Jackson, (raise your hand if you've ever heard that song by Panic! At The Disco 🙋) I'm trusting you to go on your own today so I suggest you be quick or it will be to D-hall for you." gosh I don't like that woman. "Ma'am yes ma'am!" I shout to her like a trainee to a drill sergeant. That earns me a scolding look but a giggle from everyone else.

As I enter the hallway, I make a quick grab for my phone so I can text Jason to com meet me outside, and for those of you who don't know, Jason is my boyfriend. Wait! Take that back, he's more like my friend boy, A.K.A. my best friend. He's the most wonderful friend a girl could have. Jason is two years older than me,and he is gay. He is absolutely perfect! Nobody knows that he's gay and he's not flaming or anything so when I go to parties or try to impress people, I just call him up and everyone thinks I have a boyfriend in ninth grade (I'm in seventh do the math) and I can get clothing advice from him without being concerned that he's just there to peek at me. I text him saying "Meet me outside in the second hallway from the lobby!"

Not two minutes later, I hear him approaching, his Jordan's (I have no clue how to spell that) making a slight squeaking noise. "What's the emergency? Is it so important that you had to interrupt my nice nap in Ms. Garder's class? I swear algebra is the worst!" He yell/whispers jokingly at me. "Yes, algebra is the most horrific thing ever. And yes, there is an emergency!"
"Then what is it?"
"I wanted to see you." I told Jason, giving him my best shy face. "Mm hmmm. I bet you did but I got to get to class. Thank for the break though!" he yelled as he walked away, his voice slowly fading. Shoot! Back to class it is. By the end of the day when I got home and was alone waiting for my parents to get home from work, I was bursting with joy! Only 24 hours or less until the winner would be chosen. Who will will? Who will go crazy after its all said and done? Just 24 hours until we find out.

ONE SHOTS OF ALL THE BEST BOOKS, MOVIES, ETC.!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin