Chapter 2

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The next morning I find a letter shoved under my door. "Clove, come to my house tonight at 6. If you don't come I'm hunting you down and dragging you there. Love you lots, -Elise" Sighing and smiling, I realize there is no escaping Elise. I will go. But first I want to pay a visit to someone who won't judge me or ask questions.

The caffe is busy when I enter Moulin Rouge. I take a seat at the booth in the back. A scrawny looking boy comes to take my order and I ask if Lisette is here.
"Oh, are you her sister?" He squeaks, then looks around embarrassedly.
"No, her friend." I'm glad this guy doesn't recognize me from the games. I got funny looks the entire walk into town.
"Wow, you two look insanely alike." I nod politely, I've heard it before. I think it's the eyes, we have the same shade of green. "I'll go get her." he finishes awkwardly and scampers away.

Lisette arrives soon after. She winks at me, pulling her brown and red highlighted hair out of its bun. She throws herself herself into the booth. "This place sucks, I've been fighting off loser guys all day."

"Must suck," I agree, smiling.

"One of them sent me back 6 times claiming I'd messed up his order just so he could watch my butt."


"Totally." We laugh and squeaky voices boy comes back with some hot chocolate.

"I missed this," I sigh.

"I missed you." I nod and take another sip.Its even more delicious than I remember. "Do I ever get to meet Cato?" I turn red at his name. Lisette must see the look in my eyes because she stops prying. About Cato at least. "how's the new house?"

"Huge. I don't know what to do with the space."

"I wish I had that kind of place. My foster dad doesn't have a lot so I have to live with him until I get through art school."

"I didn't know you were adopted too."

"Yup, never found out about my parents. Anyone who gave me up isn't worth looking for."

"Very true." Lisette is a brave person. If my parents were alive I'd want to find them.


"Mine are dead. Fire."


"Don't be."

We sit in silence for a little bit. A tv in the background starts playing reruns of the games. I look away as Marvel does at Katniss's hand. When they play the clip of me almost dying I get up and run to the bathroom. I throw up and stay in there until the panic attack goes away. When I come back Lisette has another hot chocolate waiting for me.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks.

"No." That's the last I have to hear about it. I'm
So thankful she doesn't pry. I need a friend like her. We catch up for a little while longer. Lisette tells me about Art school. Eventually I excuse myself to get ready for Elise's dinner. "Do you want to come?" I ask Lisette. I could really use another person there for support. I don't know how I'm going to face Cato, Elise, and my mentors without her.

"Sure, but I'll need something to wear."

"I can take care of that."


When we arrive at the Meadow's a few hours later Lisette is as dressed up as I've ever seen her in a black mini skirt. Knocking on the door, I suck in a breath and prepare for battle.

A/N Sorry this is a little filler, I needed to reintroduce Lisette. Please comment and vote!

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