Chapter 8

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Back in Al's apartment, The man who we now know as Al McWhiggin was talking to someone on the phone saying " Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be right there. And we're gonna do this commercial in one take. Do you hear me? Because I'm in the middle of something really important!" Al sighed before he hung up the phone before turning his attention to Woody & Sylvia who were both in glass cases and he snickered " Oh.... You, my little cowboy friend and little princess friend are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks!"

Al started laughing evilly and clucked like a chicken as he left the room. As soon Al left, Woody & Sylvia unfroze and ran to the door of the apartment before Woody jumped up to reach the handle but it was no use. Sylvia had an idea and " You know, since there's two of us in here, why don't I just climb up on your shoulders so that way I can reach the handle to get out of here."

" That's a great idea Sylvia." Woody said as he agreed with the idea. He bent his knees down before Sylvia climbed on top of his shoulders before Woody stood up and Sylvia was able to reach the handle. But as soon as she tried to turn it the handle down, the door wouldn't open. Uh oh, Al must've locked them in so now they can't get out.

" Oh, great! The door's locked!" Sylvia exclaimed in frustration as she frustrated that she and Woody were stuck in Al's apartment with no possible way to escape.

" Come on, Sylvia. We need to find another way out of here." Woody told her before Sylvia nodded her head in agreement. They both turned to the window before they ran towards it, climbed the chair, jumped onto the windowsill and opened the blinds to look outside. They looked down in shock to see that they were both high up from the ground and at the top floor.

" Andy!" Woody exclaimed to himself in shock.

" I can't believe Woody & I have been captured by Al after we rescued Wheezy from being sold. Andy's coming home tomorrow and he's gonna be distraught if he finds out that we've been stolen." Sylvia thought to herself with worry but then she remembered that she was with Woody so she smiled at him and thought " But on the other hand, there is a plus side to this situation. At least I have Woody to keep me company here. He's just so handsome." Sylvia snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Woody run to a nearby vent before following him.

Both of them strained to move two screws but the vent wouldn't budge so they tried pulling it. After that, they heard an opening noise pop from behind them. The two toys turned around to see a box that was opened and lots of big packing peanuts all over the floor.

" What?" Woody & Sylvia questioned softly before each one of them was scooped up by two horses and they ran around with Woody & Sylvia on their backs. The horse that Woody rode on was a brown horse while Sylvia rode on a beautiful pink horse.

" Hey! Stop! Horsey, stop! Stop! Sit, boy! Stop it! Sit I said!" Woody angrily demanded the overexcited horse but it wouldn't stop.

The princess took a good look at the horse she was riding on and her eyes widened as she recognized the horse and exclaimed " Angel Cakes?!"

" Sylvia, you know that horse?!" Woody asked her with a raised eyebrow as he was shocked to hear Sylvia call the pink horse " Angel Cakes." The brown horse stopped to toss Woody off his back and the cowboy fell off the horse and landed on the floor. Sylvia then noticed a cowgirl ragdoll with red hair braided with a yellow bow, a red hat and a pair of white chaps with cow spots on it doing acrobatic flips towards Woody and was mind blown as she recognized the cowgirl doll to be " Jessie the Yodeling Girl" from the old TV show " Woody's Roundup". Jessie stopped in front of Woody and screamed " YEEEEEHAAAAA!!"

Woody yelled as he was startled from the screaming before Jessie picked him and chanted " IT'S YOU! IT'S YOU!! IT'S YOU, IT'S YOU, IT'S YOU! IT'S REALLY YOU!" She then excitedly scratched him on the head with her fist and Woody asked " What's me?"

" Whoo! Whee!" Jessie yelled out as she threw Woody forward by pulling his pull-string and she put her ear close to his chest just to hear his voice box say " There's a snake in my boot!"

" Ha! It is you!" Jessie exclaimed happily while Woody looked at her weirded out and said " Please, stop saying that." Jessie let go of Woody to look at Sylvia with wide eyes and she said " You're Warrior Princess Sylvia, aren't you?" Sylvia looked at the cowgirl ragdoll surprised before she said " Yes I am. And you're Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl from Woody's Roundup." Woody looked at Sylvia puzzled and thought " The cowgirl is Jessie? How did Sylvia know?"

" You bet I am!" Jessie exclaimed with excitement before Sylvia heard two familiar voices say " Sylvia?"

Sylvia immediately turned around and saw a prince doll in a knight outfit covered in blue and a royal assistant doll covered in orange with golden skin and regular brown hair look at the princess with wide eyes. Sylvia gasped as she recognized them and asked " Jacob? Delaney?"

" SYLVIA!!" Both Jacob & Delaney screamed with excitement before they ran towards their old friend. Sylvia let out a scream of joy before she got off Angel Cakes and the three royal dolls hugged each other with glee. Angel then began to lick Sylvia with joy before Sylvia hugged her brother and her two best friends all at the same time.  Jessie & Bullseye smiled at the four toys happily getting acquainted and reunited back together again while Woody looked at them puzzled as he didn't understand what was happening.

" I'm so glad to see you guys again! I've missed you guys so much!" Sylvia exclaimed with excitement.

" We've missed you too, little sis! We thought we weren't gonna see you again after we got donated by Tammy!" Jacob responded back with excitement.

" Yeah, but Prospector Pete told us not to lose any hope and that someday you & Woody would come here." Delaney told the princess. Jessie gasped and exclaimed " Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln! The prospector! He'll wanna meet ya both!" She then whistled to Bullseye before he ran over to the box, went inside, and out came another box before the male horse pushed it over towards Woody, Jessie, Sylvia, Jacob, Delaney and Angel Cakes.

" Say hello to the prospector!" Jessie happily introduced Woody & Sylvia to Prospector Pete but they only saw the back of his box which made Woody say " It's a box." Sylvia nodded her head in agreement.

" He's mint in the box. Never been opened." Jessie told Woody & Sylvia.

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