Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane

Start from the beginning

"When the twins and I were talking, I told them the things that I noticed about them that others normally do not because everyone always assumes that they are exactly the same type of person," Harry explains. "And they warned me about not making it obvious when I notice other people since they worried over what their sister would do out of jealousy."

"She does seem like one of those stalkers that would be delusional," Krinos said. "The type of stalker that delusionally thinks that you are either already in a relationship or that you will eventually start a relationship."

"I will never start a relationship with her no matter what she believes," Harry stated. "And if I ever do get together with her, I have left standing orders with a number of my friends to immediately take me to a healer to get me checked for love potions."

"Love potions are very dangerous," Krinos says. "We have had lessons on love potions in Potions class as well as both International Magic and Light & Dark. There is never anything good that comes with the use of love potions."

"I can not agree more," Harry said. "Love potions have nothing to do with true love. If anything, they are more like mind-control potions than anything else. There is no real love since those potions take everything about love and turn it into something more about control than about winning over a person's heart."

"One of the things we learned about when we learned about love potions was how quickly things can do wrong," Krinos sighed. "A pair of American witch sisters cast a love spell and it quickly went wrong when a bunch of men became obsessed with the two of them, including one that ended up breaking into their house and threatening them with a gun in an 'if I can't have you, then no one can' type of way."

"That is exactly what I am talking about," Harry says. "Love potions and love spells take away a person's free will. They are mind-control magic that create lust, not love."

"I am sorry that you have to deal with someone that you fear would actually use love potions on you," Krinos put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "No one should have to fear that. Love should always be about free will and the freedom of choice."

"Try telling that to my stalker," Harry crossed his arms. "I heard her mum telling her and Hermione a story one night while we were all staying with Sirius. Apparently, Mrs.Weasley brewed and used a love potion on Mr.Weasley back when they were in Hogwarts."

"What," Krinos's eyes widened. "That's awful! And he is still married to her!?!"

"She claimed that he had a crush on her, but was too shy to ask her out," Harry rolled his eyes. "So, she used the love potion to give him the 'courage' to ask her out. Honestly, I have no idea if any of that is true even when the two of them are still married. As you probably noticed, Mr.Weasley is a bit..."

"Whipped," Krinos guessed with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, pretty much," Harry shrugged. "The twins often complain about their father's lack of a spine when it comes to dealing with their mother. Not to mention how they also complain about their father's lack of attempts to make his life and their lives better. It's probably the one thing that they agree with their older brother, Percy, on."

"What do you mean," Krinos asked.

"Mr.Weasley is a kind man, do not get me wrong, but he lacks both ambitions as well as the ability to see beyond his own desires," Harry explains. "Mr.Weasley is basically obsessed with muggles..."

"Mundanes," Krinos can not help but inject.

"Whatever," Harry rolled his eyes. "He has a shack filled with muggle stuff in their backyard, his department at the ministry is all about enchanted muggle stuff, and he even spelled a muggle car to be able to fly."

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