7 ‖ Leaving

607 22 1

Your POV


You, Tangerine, Lemon and Ladybug were all in the destroyed bar, Tangerine and you stumbled into. Tangerine was pacing, running his hands through his hair as he does so. You, Lemon and Ladybug were all sitting down, making sure to avoid the dead body, staring at Tangerine like lost children who just seen their teacher have a mental breakdown. 

The White Death called Tangerine and told him he wanted to see his son and the case at the next stop. Tangerine was stressing about the son, who was dead. You guys had the case, which was one step ahead, but you didn't have his son. Now you were probably gonna lose your arms. 

"Tangerine, bruv, it's gonna be okay." Lemon assures his. 

Tangerine stops and stares at Lemon. He looks mad, "Calm down?! You should be worried as well. We have to see The White Death soon with his dead son and a fucking briefcase everyone wants." He says angrily. 

"But it's okay Tang. What is he honestly gonna do?" You say and stand up, walking to the destroyed counter. 

His eyes follow you, "Oh, I don't know, KILL US! CHOP OFF OUR FUCKING ARMS!"

You grab a sparkling water that wasn't damaged in the bar and open it, "You have me. I have powers. He can't really do anything if I'm with you guys." You say and drink down the drink you found.

"True. Tan, don't worry so much about it." Lemon says and stands up.

"Why don't we all break our phones, grab our suitcases if we have one and just leave?" You suggest and walk back to your spot, standing in front of it. 

"We could but where would we go?" Ladybug says and stands up as well. 

You then think about the Avengers. The Avengers have a tower that you are always welcomed to. You can go there.

"I have an idea." You speak. 

"Which is?" Tangerine asked. 

"Does anyone here know The Avengers?" You smirk. 

Lemon and Ladybug gasps and nods. You smile. 

"I was married to an Avenger. I was best friends with all of them. When I lost my husband, I left. The Avengers told me that if I ever need somewhere to stay, I can stay with them." You say. 

"So, what you're saying is we can possibly stay with the Avengers?" Lemon questions. 

"Yes, we just need plane tickets to New York. We can get everything there. It's about, maybe, 1000 notes for the plane." You reply. 

"I have that kind of money. So next stop we get out, break our phones, throw em away and go to the airport?" Tangerine says. 

You nod, "Yes, what other choice do we have?" 

"None. Let's do that." Lemon says. 

You nod and take out your phone and throw it down, stepping on it, breaking it into pieces immediately. You look up after breaking it and see the others staring at you. 

"It's better to break it on the train instead of off it. Leaves The White Death confused." You speak. 

Lemon nods and takes out his, smashing it as well. Ladybug and Tangerine do the same. You look at the phones and pick them all up. You walk to the bathroom and drop them in the toilet, flushing it. It doesn't go down, but it is all for sure broken now. You walk back and look at the others. You look at your watch and smile. 

"Lucky for us, we are stopping now. We have to hurry. Anyone has suitcases?" You ask. 

Everyone shakes their head. You nod and walk out of the cart, the others following. You walk out with the others just in time. The doors closed right after you guys. You look at them all. 

"No going back. We need a lift." You say and walk out of the train station. 

You know the others are following you. Once you were out, you watch the lifts all zoom past. You put your hand out and wait for one to see you and stop. One does and you open the door, letting the others in first. You turn to scan the area to make sure no one is watching you. When you're sure no one is, you get into the crammed lift. You shut the door. You then notice that you are pressed against Tangerine's side. 

"Where to?" The driver asks. 

"The airport please." You reply. 

The man nods and takes off to the airport. You breathe deeply and look out the window, watching the world speed past. You close your eyes and lean against the window. 

Before you know it, Tangerine is poking your cheek. You open your eyes and squint at Tangerine. "What?" 

"We are here love." He speaks.

You nod and open the door. You get out and look at the airport as the others get out as well and pay the man. Once they are done you all head into the airport, going to the short line. You stand next to Tangerine while Lemon and Ladybug are behind you guys chatting. You see the person in front leave and you all step forward. 

"Four tickets to New York please." You speak. 

The woman nods and types on her computer while you look around. 

"Four?" She questions. 

"Yes, four." Tangerine says. 

"Do you have luggage?" She asks. 

"No." Tangerine says. 

"Which class?" 

"First class." 

She nods and types more. She prints out the tickets and puts them next to her, "1555 notes please." 

Tangerine gets the money and hands it to her. She takes it and replaces the money with the tickets. Tangerine nods at her as you all walk away. You all then do the security stuff and find your guys flight. You walk down the hall to your plane and walk onto it. 

"Alright, Lemon and Ladybug are behind us." Tangerine says as he finds our seats. 

"You have the window seat Wiggly-woo." Tangerine steps aside. 

You get into your spot and get comfortable. When all of you guys are seated and comfortable, you close your eyes deciding to rest your eyes for a bit. You are hopeful that when you open them again, you'll be in New York.

Do I know you? • TANGERINE Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz