6 ‖ Wiggly-Woos

680 25 3

Your POV


"Why are we doing this?" You ask Tangerine as you both walk down the narrow passageway.

"Because, someone took our case and we need to get it back." He grunts and looks around.

"But, why am I here?" You question.

Tangerine looks at you, "Because if anything happens then you can use your little wiggly-woos to fight them off." He smiles stiffly.

You glare at him. Your powers weren't meant to hurt someone. You used your powers for the greater good, not to injure someone.

You cross your arms, "I am not using my...wiggly-woos on someone just for you to get a case."

He like at you and glares, "Tell me. Do you like your fucking arms?" He asks.

You slowly nod, "Yes, I very much like my arms."

"Then if someone attacks us, use your powers." He nods as he says that.

You pull your lips into your mouth and stare at him. You knew that The White Death would kill you. But at the same time you didn't want to expose your powers AND use them on someone. But, as Tangerine put it, you had no choice and you liked your arms. 

"Fine. But I won't go 'extreme' on them. You know my powers are very powerful." You say as you both start walking again. 

He hums as you both enter a bar cart that is destroyed. You look around and let a soft "Wow" pass through your lips.

Tangerine looks around as well and drops his gaze on something. You follow his gaze and look at a dead body. The body is in a white tuxedo with a knife in their chest.

"Damn." You say.

Tangerine looks at you, "Let's go." He says and walks out of the cart.

You follow him and look around the carts. You run into his back when he abruptly stopped.

You let out a "Oof" and stumble back. You look at Tangerine to see him looking at a locked bathroom. You look back at him.

"Someone's using the bathroom-" you go to say but Tangerine shushes you.

He leans close to the door and puts his ear against the door. You do the same and listen in on the conversation.

"If you don't get this case open, I will have the man watching your son kill him." You hear a female voice say.

Silence is followed by it. You pull your ear away and step away. Tangerine follows your moves. You both look at the door.

"What do we do?" You whisper.

"Get that fucking case." He says and with that he kicks in the bathroom door.

There's a young girl with a funky hair cut-bull cut whose wearing a pink suit with an skirt instead of pants. The man is a older and he's wearing normal stuff. But he looks really sweaty and dirty.

Tangerine points a gun to the both of them as you see the case. The young girl gasps and puts her hands up and puts on a innocent face. The man just looks at you.

"Sir, thank god you are here. This-This man was gonna hold me as a hostage." The girl says and fake cries.

She's a horrible actor that's for sure.

You slightly hold your arm out, palm facing down and let your powers flow out from your hand and fingers, balling up into your palm.

You feel your eyes turn gold as you look at them both.

The girl sees you and gasps. The man just keeps quiet. Tangerine looks back at you and sees your powers.

Just when he loses his focus on the girl, the girl took the gun out of his grip and pointed it at him.

The man knocks Tangerine down and the girl points it to him. The man puts his foot on Tangerine's chest.

"You are gonna regret meeting me." She says.

You immediately advance your powers to the gun and force it away from Tangerine. The girl looks at you and glares.

You look at the man and use your other hand and fling him back into the corner of the rather large bathroom.

Your powers force the gun out of the girls grip and you flung it to the side with your powers.

You didn't know why, but it enraged you when she pointed the gun at Tangerine.

You point your index finger at her and your powers wrap around her tightly. She struggles against your powers and looks at you.

"It hurts. Please." She pleads. 

Tangerine gets up and grabs his second gun and pulls it out, pointing it to the man who was unconscious in the corner. Just in case he wakes up.

"We are taking the case. If you don't work with us, then you'll die." You say and let your magic wrap around her tighter.

She struggles again. She then stops and nods.

You look at Tangerine and see him look back at you. He must have understood and grabbed the case.

"That's my case you assholes!" She yells.

You lift your finger up and she goes up a bit, levitating in mid air. She gasps and looks down.

"It's our case. Try to make a move on us again, you will be hurt." You say and drop the girl, vanishing your powers.

She hits the ground on her stomach. She lets out a cry and looks at you.

"You bitch!" She yells and stands up.

Your powers ball up larger in your hand as you hear her words. She breathes heavily and stands down.

You vanish your powers once again and walk out the bathroom with Tangerine.

You face the door again and look at the girl. She glares at you and balls up her fists.

You smirk at her and use your powers to slam the door shut. You lock it from the outside so she and that man wouldn't be able to get out.

You put your powers away and put your hand down. You turn to Tangerine who has his gun and the case in his grip.

"Let's go." You say and walk ahead of him.

Hear him following after you. You walk back to the your guys seating. Your eyes didn't go back to normal. You still wanted to hurt that girl who pointed her gun to Tangerine.

You make it to your seating and sit down. Lemon and Ladybug were already there. They seen your eyes and looks at Tangerine who sat down as well.

"We found the girl who had our case. She pointed a gun at me so Y/n used her powers on the girl." Tangerine said.

You glare out the window. Lemon and Ladybug nods and doesn't mess with you.

One thing was for sure. You were gonna kill that bitch if she ever pointed a gun at Tangerine again.

Do I know you? • TANGERINE Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora