New Life

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When I heard him call my mom by her first name I got so mad I walked out the door and sat on the steps.

Dm: what's wrong honey?

Diana: you

Dm: what did I do?

Diana: how does the boy know your name and love you so much.

Dm: *sigh* I've been coming here on some weekends.

Diana: oh so you leave me at home alone and come here ok , ok then I get it , your daughter isn't important to you anymore, so she doesn't need to know what's happening to her own mom but a boy who you didn't get pregnant with knows. How could you Mom? * begins to cry*

Dm: Diana I'm sorry it was complicated ok I should have told you I never knew it would effect you this much.

Diana: well now you know.

Dm: let's get inside so that I can introduce you to Chris.


I came running down the stairs almost fell on my face when I saw this beautiful girl standing beside my stepmother Samantha, she looked like my age. She ran out when she saw me come downstairs.

Dm: sorry about that John

John: oh no it's ok.

Diana: I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot my name is Diana and I'm your step daughter.

Wait she's my step sister how did I not know that she had a daughter.

Chris: how didn't you tell me that you had a daughter.

Dm: I didn't know how to tell you.

Chris: OMG WHAT kind of life am I living when I don't even know what is happening .!! I said yelling.

John: don't yell at your mom like that

Chris: she's not my mom she's my step mother key word STEP.

Diana: exactly what kind of life are we living if they don't tell us what's going on in our lives preach sister preach.

Chris: I know right this sucks. Let me show you to your room.

Diana: sure why not. They need to put together their lies and tell us when we come back.

Chris : yes exactly.


Well I can see that we are making a bit progess with the kids getting along but with us being together it needs more time.

John: well they are right we need to tell them the truth.

Samantha: yeah but how are we going to tell them that we are going on our honey moon for three months.

John: we'll tell then tomorrow,after they cool down.


Chris showed me to my bedroom it was amazing it is the biggest room that i have ever seen.

Chris: so this is your room I'll give you some time to settle down .

Diana: it's ok I'm settled down already.

Chris: so that's your name just plain old Diana.

Diana: ha no but is your name just plain old Chris.

Chris*chuckles* no it's Chris Argent

Diana: well mine is Diana Anderson.

Chris: well welcome to the family.

Diana: thanks

Chris is so fine but he's my brother and he's also funny but I have to shake those thoughts out of my head.

Chris: well I'm going to go to my room to finish up my work.

Diana: ok bye see you at dinner.

Chris: bye.


She is so fine and she has dimples that makes me wanna melt but she is my step sister so I have to shake that thought out of my head.

My step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now