part 12

622 13 11

Who'll take all your pain? and your heartache too? - janis joplin——————————————————————

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Who'll take all your pain? and your heartache too? - janis joplin

My heads stuck to the pillow as I hear the cry of Decker. I groan as I didn't get much sleep worried about Nikki, Sharise and everyone else.

I reach my hand out to touch Nikki but he's not there. I sit up scanning the room and notice a note on my bedside locker.

" Have a meeting with Doc and the guys be home later - Nikki "

I purse my lips as I read the note. My chest feeling empty with worry. I hear Decker start to cry again. I enter his room and he stares up at me with big green eyes like his dads. Tears brimming his eyes as I imagine Nikkis to be the same right now.

My heart broke for him last night, he says he's full sure this won't end well. Nikkis very protective of things he loves as we all know but motley is different. Even when me and Emi auditioned he was sat there like a king on a throne like we had to prove ourselves of worthy. But I guess I can understand, it was the first thing he knew of his own, something he built and mastered.

I trudge downstairs with my baby in my arms and sitting him down in his chair as I turn on the television. I walk to the fridge organising his breakfast as the phone starts to chime.

I quickly run over grabbing it hoping it was Nikki.

" Hello? " I say putting it between my face and my shoulder and going back to the countertop.

" Oh good you're up " I hear Emi's voice down the end of the line.

" I have a ten month old baby of course i'm up "

" So how was Sharise after we left " she asks.

" She was fine, I mean as fine as one can be considering her partner is cheating on her " I sit opposite of Decker feeding him as he stares at the cartoons on the tv.

" Man I fucking hate Britney, you think he would've listened to you that time, she's no better knowing he has a family " She huffs down the phone. I just agree with her.

" Did Nikki say anything afterwards "

" Yeah...he opened up about how he's afraid this will be the end of Motley, you should've seen him Emi I haven't seen him this upset in ages....I'm scared for him " I tell her honestly.

Which I am, I guess i'm always afraid of Nikki being low cause we all know how he used to nurse himself.

" It'll be okay Soph, Nikki is the heart and brains of this operation, he's so determined he won't let this be ruined by Vince " she tries to reassure me.

" I know but you didn't see him Emi, he said he hated Vince, I just hope they can sort it out for all our sakes, they're a bit old to be making mistakes like this still "

If this was 6 years ago I would've just said classic Motley but that is not the case anymore.

Nikkis pov

After Sophia finally fell asleep I decided to sit in the studio writing in my journal. I'm so completely overwhelmed by all that's happened last night.

Everything is at stake here.

I want nothing more than to go find Vince and beat the shit out of him...but I know that won't solve anything.

I stare at the digital clock in the corner, 5:36 in the morning. I lay my head back and close my eyes. God Dammit.

The phone starts to ring and I pick it up hoping it won't wake my sleeping child and wife.

" Hello " I say annoyed.

" Sixx "

" Doc so you realise the fucking time, you could've woke Decker " I say pissed off.

" Sorry...Nikki I want you and the guys in my office 7 sharp " he says cutting straight to the chase.

" I don't - " he cuts me off.

" I don't give a fuck Nikki, 7 sharp " he says putting down the phone.

I sigh. This is the start of it and it'll only get worse.

6:45 I arrive at the office, I left a note for Sophia in case she gets a heart attack when she sees i'm not there.

I walk through the building, my sunglasses on not in the form to say hi to anyone. I walk along the corridor and open the door to Docs office. Tommy and Mick are sat there. They turn their heads to look at me as I take a seat.


More Silence.

" Dudes why aren't we talking ? We didn't do anything " Tommy says adjusting himself in his seat.

" I was waiting for you to break the tension" Mick adds. They all look at me.

" What are we gonna do " I say helplessly.

Mick just shrugs. Great help.

" Is Vince even coming " Tommy asks.

In that moment Doc walks into the room.

" We're trying to get ahold of Vince if you could just bare with " He says before leaving not giving us a chance to answer.

10 minutes go by.

20 minutes go by.

40 minutes go by.

" Fuck this " I say standing up. I walk over to the phone and dial his number. No answer. I dial again. No answer. I try again and it doesn't even ring.

" Bastard took the phone off the hook " I grit.

" Man it's like we're fucking in detention we can't leave until he's here " Tommy say lighting another cigarette.

" Fax the prick then " Mick visibly annoyed aswell.

We faxed him like 10 times before I gave up and sat down.

" Bands replace lead singers all the time - "

" I know Van Halen did it you've said it like 5 times already Tommy " I huff.

After a few minutes of silence Doc and a disheveled Vince walks into the room. We all stare at him as he sits at the other side of the room.

He says nothing.

" Now you all listen to me, if you don't sort yourselves out you're getting dropped from the label " I points his fingers at us.

" You can't be serious " I said mouth gaping.

" I'm very serious, i'm sick of the shit you've all pulled, grow the fuck up " he spits.

" We have it's him who hasn't, he hasn't been on board with anything we have done, rehab staying sober, he's ruining the band " I say pointing towards Vince.

He stands up.

" Then i'll make it easy for you.... "

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