part 9

691 19 10

I loved his blonde highlights 😩——————————————————————

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I loved his blonde highlights 😩

" Come on pick up " I say tapping my foot. As soon as we got home I raced to the phone to call Jon.

I feel so bad for Gunner as well as Nikki. Nikki loves him more than anything and I know he would rather have him 100% of the time but then doesn't want to deprive him of having a relationship with his mom...kinda like what happened to him.

" Hello " I hear on the other side.

" Jon !? " I say loudly down the phone shocked that there was an answer.

" Who is this ? " the voice says confused.

" Sorry...i'm sorry this is Sophia... " I say but there was a silence.

" Si...i mean Russo " I cringe at myself.

" I know who you are Sophia " he says back blankly. I'm starting to get the feeling he doesn't wanna talk to me.

" Oh okay sorry... "

" What is it you want " I start to panic, Gunners little face flashing in my head, I need to play the game here.

" Oh I just wanted to see how you are ? " I smile.

" I' that all you wanted " He says annoyed.

" NO...I mean no I ughh was wondering do you wanna meet for a coffee it's been like forever " I play along.

" Yeah it has pretty sure last time I saw you , you told me get lost " he says bitterly.

" Ah that was ages ago come on now how about a nice cappuccino and a catch up " Please say yes please say yes.

" Ugh alright fine " Yes

" Sadios at noon ? " I say.

" See you then " he says hanging up the phone.

Hmm i feel like a little detective I smile to myself. I walk down into the living room where Nikki is watching tv with Deck in his arms.

" Well? " Nikki asks.

" Meeting with him at noon for coffee " I raise my eyebrows with a triumphant smile.

" I asked you to ask him where's Brandi not to go for a coffee date with him " he says annoyed.

" I'm going for coffee with him to find me he didn't seem so pleased I was calling him I had to think on my feet you know try and lure him into helping us " I huff sitting down, I thought he'd be happy.

" He better give it up or else I just let him take my wife out free of charge " He rolls his eyes.

" Don't worry grumpy I still only have eyes for you" I say leaning over and giving him a peck on the cheek.

I watch as his face turns from and grown to a smile.

" You better " He glances at me.

" I would've ran away long ago if I didn't Sixx " I stand up laughing. Then I hear the phone ring.

" Hello ? "

" Hey Soph I hope you and Sixx have nothing planned tonight cause it's motley and crue wives night out " Emi say's excitedly down the phone.

I furrow my eyebrows.

" Since when " I laugh.

" Since I convinced Mick 20 minutes ago...i'll get onto Sharise and Pam , how about the whiskey for old times sake ? " I look over at Nikki who looks confused.

" Sure why not " Fuck it I missed nights out with motley.

I put down the phone.

" I need to call Dokota to which the kids later" Dokota is our next door neighbour she's a nice older lady who always passes walking her dogs, she's offered plenty to watch the kids but we've just never taken her up on it.

" Why ? "

" We're heading to the whiskey later " I smile.

" Great....just great "

I tap my nail's nervously against the glass table as I sit and wait for Jon. I hope he comes after all of this.

It's been ages since I've seen him, pretty sure the last time I saw him was when he confessed his love for me. Awkward.

" Hello ? " I hear a voice say which snaps me out of my daydream. There he stood his hair as long as the last time.

" Jon , hi " is all i'm able to say back. He takes a seat across from me. I just stare at him in awkwardness.

" So " he says visibly uncomfortable.

" Okay Jon i'm just gonna cut to the chase here" I need to get out of here it's so awkward.

" See I knew there was a catch , using me again, you haven't changed " He says bitterly. I bite my tongue.

" Fine say what you want but this here isn't about's about Gunner " I say to which he looks confused.

" What about him "

" Where the hell is Brandi , we've tried calling like a million times she's not answering, he misses his mother and as much as I try to be there for him i'll never be able to fill that void so please if you know where she is tell me " I splurged out. He stops to think for a second.

" I left her Sophia.... " My head falls back in defeat.

" About 4 weeks ago I discovered she was cheating on me, with who I don't know, I confronted her to which she couldn't have cared less, she packed her things and left " He shrugs.

" Fuck... " Is all I say.

" I'm sorry Jon " I feel bad for the guy.

" Don't I should've known "

" I don't know what to do you know where she's gone " I pry.

" somewhere out of the country cause she was searching for her passport "

" God damn.... I just wish Nikki would get full custody she clearly doesn't care "

" I know we've all had our differences but I know you and Nikki love that kid...why not go for it "

" It's complicated, what are we meant to tell him, sorry your mom is a bad mom and won't take care of you " I feel so defeated.

" Many kids grow up with just one parent and that can always be enough, no one is saying you have to replace her but you're just as good as, plus Gunner and Decker are half siblings it's not all weird " He's making sense.

" I guess that's true... if you hear anything about her whereabouts will you please let me know " I look at him with pleading eyes.

" Of Course " He says, to which I give a smile back.

Why can't anything be straight forward

Bulletproof // nikki sixx Where stories live. Discover now