It's just a hickey.

"Fine." I mumbled, Stu crawled over to me his legs on either side of me, he slipped the silk sleeve off my shoulder and leaned in. My heart beat faster and faster as his lips got closer and closer to my warm skin. Once his cold lips came in contact with the sensitive skin in the crook of my neck my breath hitched, I could tell Stu noticed it as his smile could be felt against my skin. At first he placed sweet, small kisses around the area, all that could be heard was his kisses and my heavy breathing, then he started to suck on the area. Biting my lower lip to contain any noises to escape my lips I grasped the hem of Stu's grey shirt. Closing my eyes I tried my best to zone everything out, just as I thought it was over his lips attacked that same sensitive spot. "Stu." I whispered, I tried to push him off me gently but he just hummed in response, I could feel the vibration of his throat as he did.

Feeling the tall boys lips detach from my neck I opened my eyes, they met with Stu's blue ones which seemed to be playful yet so lustful. Pulling the sleeve back up I cleared my throat. "That was hot as hell Ashley." Stu stated as he sat back down onto the bed. Glancing over at Billy whose eyes were practically shooting darts at Stu, he fixed his posture. "I'm next." I spoke up trying to change the tension in the air. There was clearing something going on between the two but I chose not to point it out. "Truth or dare Ashley?" Billy asked, running his fingers through his messily styled curtain bangs. Letting out a hum I tried to think of what to do. "Dare." I answered. I noticed Stu's face instantly light up as the word escaped my lips. "Tease Billy for sixty seconds." The tall boy stated, my eyes widened to his words once again but I wanted to take this opportunity and take revenge on him for making Stu giving me a hickey. "Alright then Stu." I told him, running my hands through my hair I crawled over to Billy. "Start counting Stuart." I teased the other boy.

Oh how I loved teasing boys.

It was one of the things I was good at since I didn't do it often.

Straddling the dirty blonde haired boy I wrapped my arms around his neck, I kept eye-contact with him the entire time, his dilated dark pupils were filled with lust. "You know Billy I could always do much better than Sidney, I know she has no sex drive." I whispered, the flirtatious eye-contact still remaining. Slowly, almost unnoticeable, I began moving my hips against his lower half. I heard a soft groan from the boy underneath me. "Billy boy you could do so, so much better." I whispered, leaning in slowly my gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips and then back at his eyes. He did the same. I could feel Billy's hands wrap around my waist, stopping me from moving, but I ignored it. I kept on doing it for these tension filled sixty seconds. Feeling Billy's hot breath against my lips I allowed a flirty grin appear on my lips. "Times up!" Stu spoke from behind me.

Instantly stopping what I was doing I easily escaped Billy's grasp and high-five'd Stu. "That was sexy Ash." The tall boy exclaimed which boosted my ego slightly. "If you pay me enough I could probably give him more than sixty seconds." I told him. Running my hands through my hair I glanced at Billy who seemed to be slightly lost of words.

I assume he didn't expect that.

Though, everything I said to him was a lie.

Most of it anyway.

"Billy it's your turn." I told him. "Truth or dare man?" Stu asked as he licked his lower lip, wetting his slightly chapped lips. "Dare." Billy answered without a second thought. "Perfect." I whispered. Thinking about what to make Billy do an idea came to mind. "Make out with Ashley for thirty seconds." Stu spoke up and my eyebrows rose. Smacking the tall boys arm repeatedly I was definitely going to get him back one day for this. "He literally just broke up with his girlfriend this morning." I defended myself. "So? He won't be guilty." The boy argued. "Don't worry Ashley I won't bite." Billy spoke up which caused my gaze shift to him instantly.

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