Chapter 2

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"Decorum... Decorum..." Aha! ? "Propriety... Etiquette... ...Oh." "I was rude" "Why didn't Mr. Redmont just said so?!" "...96...97... 98." "Now that that's outta the way..." The Baby-sitters Club

1. Members
- Me
- Mary Anne
- Claudia
- Who else?

2. Advertising
- Fliers
- Newspaper?
- Telephone

3. Set up meeting
times when clients call to line up sitters
Where to meet?? *knock, knock* "Come in!" "Hi, sweetie." "How was school?...Kristy?" "Fine." "Okay, what happened?" "Well, you know how hot it was today?... And you know how sometimes a hot day can seem real long?" "Kristy, get to the point." "This looks fine, Kristy." "Do you think it's okay that the 99th and 100th words are 'the' and 'end'?" "I hope so." "Ohh... 9:00!" "Have great idea for Baby-sitters Club. Must talk. Important. Can't wait. We can get lots of jobs." "What?" "Have idea Baby-sitters Club. Must--" *knock, knock* "Come in?" "I just wanted you to know..." 'Terrific. See you tomorrow.' "I'm going out with Watson on Saturday night." "I'm not asking for your permission, Kristy. I just want you to be able to plan on my being out Saturday." "Charlie's got a date, but Sam will be home." "Mm." "I wish you could be a little more open-minded about Watson. I can't make you like him, but you haven't given him much of a chance." "One more thing... This is Watson's weekend to have his children, and he has to work Saturday morning...." "He wondered if you'd baby-sit for Andrew and Karen while he's at office." "No way. Why do you keep asking?" "I don't want to watch Watson's kids." "I don't even want to meet them. Ever." Okay... It's your choice. Going to bed soon?" "Yeah. You can leave the door opened. " "Geez, what if mom marries Watson?" "We're happy the way we are."

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