Chapter 11: Patience and Confusion

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Still, the idea of being Luna looms over me like a scary nightmare. I can barely manage to brush my teeth every day and remember where I put my charger. The idea of being out in charge of thousands of wolves only makes me want to run away without packing a single bag. Even so, this feeling in my gut won't go away as much as I try to ignore it.

I sigh to myself as I exit the front door of the pack house, deciding to take the long way to school in order to have some time to think and clear my head. Though a small part of me reminds me to skirt closer to Hybrid territory so I don't get caught in the Pleasure District again. I walk along the dirt roads. trying to distract my mind with thoughts of the past and the history we're learning in class about the Daemon Wars and all that came from it. It's no wonder so many older Supernaturals hate Nightlies and all the Children of the Night. It seems like the Daemons and all the Devils followers made life hell for my ancestors. Growing up I never quite understood why people were treated differently because to me we were all the same. Supernaturals. Different kinds sure but we weren't human and that was distinction enough. But histories and lies have too big of a place in the world for us to simply try to move on or create something new.

I think about the Daemon attacks on Divine Children and how the regular attacks only stopped less than 300 years ago. Which might seem like forever for a human, but for a Supernatural it's nothing. Half of the Supers alive today have fought in at least one war. They've seen and experienced the hell and pain first hand that war and hate can cause.

It makes sense that they would be weary of Daemons and all ties with them after such a long and unforgiving history.

I hum along happily as I freely dive into the new train of thought, relieved I  was no longer torturing myself over Alpha James and all the impossible opportunities it presents.

Instead, I walk towards my school, counting my steps to make sure each square gets two even steps as I muse about my Countries past and wonder how things will turn out in the future.

Suddenly I'm reminded by James' request to meet for practice after school, and I want to bang my head against the wall. Even though it's hours away, my hands are already sweating from the entirely unnerving interaction. Instead of stressing myself out, which I'm an expert at doing at this point, I stop trying to think, and do my best to quiet my mind for school as the top of the massive building comes into view.

Today will be a good day and I will not go crazy when or if things don't go according to plan. It's a brand new day with new opportunities. I got this.

But in all honestly, as I walk up the sidewalk that lead to the front doors of the school, I'm worried that I don't have it at all.


I groan in relief when the final bell of the day rings. I drop down into my seat, taking a few settling breathes before I gather my books and things from the table. I avoid my teachers eyes, not wanting to incite a conversation accidentally.

My walk is brisk as I stride through the hallway following some soothing rhythm that pops into my head.

All day I've been anxiously waiting for school to be over, though I'm pretending it has nothing to do with the practice season that's supposed to happen in one of the clearings after school. Just thinking about spending that alone time with my Alpha had me sweating. And smiling though it's so small you can barely tell so it shouldn't count. That's what I tell myself anyway.

As I'm walking towards my locker I walk into someone harshly, my speed making the impact harder.

I stumble back a few steps, and when I look towards the person, I find a dark haired woman with purple cat like eyes and little horns on top of her head. A witch.

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