"You killed defenseless humans. You call that strength? I call it bullshit!" One of Gunner's favorite human profanities came out with a hiss.

"I can kick you off my ship." Tork walked up to his son slowly, his chest nearly touching Gunner's snout. His voice went softer but dripped with darkness. "Maybe when you're ruling by my side, you'll learn to appreciate everything I'm doing. Hm? Maybe when your ruler of your species, you'll see that your little rebellious acts were nothing but a phase. Or am I going to have to send you to the airlock? Like I did to your bitch of a mother." He roughly hit Gunner's chest.

The young lizard's drink dribbled onto the floor as he stood silently. Not having the energy to fight back, he finished his drink in one gulp and slammed the metal container on the nearby counter. Then, walked past his father. Behind his dad, lied the exit to the break room.

"Sir? Gunner might present an issue down the line." Spoke Azoth who stood awkwardly in a dark corner, hands clasped in front of his scaly body. Voice slightly higher than most of his species, who were known for great timbres.

"Nah. I'll teach my son. It'll take time." Asserted Tork.

The corridor was full of automatic doors, only in working order if one was a Firm. A human is practically useless on the ship without privileges from Gunner or Tork.

Gunner entered his quarters with an agitated huff. The Firm removed his jumpsuit, donning only tight black pants and no shirt. His chest and belly were the same green color. He did not have nipples like a human male, but his chest was quite pronounced, and one could tell he spent time sculpting his body. The Saber ship didn't hold a gym, but he did pushups and sometimes worked with fellow co-workers lifting crates of weapons and ammunition.

Gunner's quarters were huge. When one was the son of the captain, riches were often given to you. His bed was way too big, his bathroom so huge he could easily house three more of his species inside.

He stretched, and his huge green scaled biceps and shoulders flexed. Gunner flopped onto his unmade bed and rubbed his eyes.

His most odd feature which he got from his mother was his pink forked tongue. Long and slimy, he rarely showed it to anyone.

He was glad he wasn't the spitting image of his father. Such a fact would've drowned him in more annoyance than he already was. His father was an alligator while he was a Komodo dragon if one were to put it in earth terms.

From an outsider's point of view, Gunner's father ran a good ship. Though, if one dug deeper, they'd know he rules with an iron fist. If you walked around eggshells and kept the captain's ego sky high, you'd be treated well.


Gunner was sleeping peacefully. Until the electric door to his room beeped. Signaling someone was trying to get the Firm's attention. With a groan, he woke and stretched. He lazily put on his jumpsuit and zipped up the front.

"What?" He said as he pressed his palm to the small pad by the door, causing it to open into the large corridor. In the doorframe stood Captain Tork. "Son. I need to show you something." His arms crossed, voice stern.

"Can't it wait?" Protested Gunner.


Tork and his son walk down the main corridor and enter a gray elevator with a clear door which was at the far end of the vessel.

The captain slid a red plastic keycard into a slot beneath the number panel and the elevator went down. Further than Gunner had ever gone.

The double doors opened, and bright lights illuminated this strange room in the hull of the ship. Walls completely white, floor as well.

This basement housed metal coffins with clear plastic covers. Within these coffins were humans. Men, women, and children were fast asleep, wearing the clothes they were abducted in. Metal tubes were shoved down their throats, the tubes went from their mouths to the pit of their stomachs. Some of the humans were partially awake, frozen in a state of permanent terror and pain.

In between these coffins were tall, white robots with visors. Shut down, but ready to be booted up.

"What is this?" Gunner asked with an air of melancholy. A lump formed in the Firm's throat. The alien investigates the sleeping humans, arms shaking slightly. The smell of medicine, human sweat, and blood filled the air. "Is this why you invaded earth? To do this?" Gunner looked upon the faces of these humans. Some were dead and had their faces half removed, revealing grisly red muscles and skulls. One woman had her scalp entirely removed, with dark drips of blood going down her cheeks.

"You're so naïve. These specimens have organs we've never seen. They have brains the likes of which I've never studied up close. They're perfect. Our species is basically dead, Gunner. We need a new way of life. A new way of dealing with labor." He cocked his head, smiling ever so gently. He gazed at his twisted display. His hand trailed the top of one of the coffins.

"Beam them back to earth. We can just use those robots for labor. Why the hell do you wanna deal with flesh and blood?" Gunner stepped back toward the elevator, which was only a foot away from him. He tried to hide the fear in his voice. Tried to hide that he was pleading.

"They NEED me. Earth was a mess when we got there. Humans aren't good rulers. They're only good for following very simple directions. Did you not see the pollution? The famine? The disease? I am giving them what they need. They'll learn to love me, Gunner. I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it for them." He paused, feeling pride. He turned towards his son. "You need to at least dissect one." From a sheath on his armor, he pulled out a metal knife. The handle of the blade glowed a blue color. "Cut one open. No tech. Nothing fancy. Dig into their flesh and bones. Feels much nicer to carve your specimen that way. More personal." Tork extended his hand, the handle of the knife facing toward his offspring. "Come on. Take the knife." He stated calmly.

"No good captain would do this." Gunner's body tensed. Both stand toe-to-toe in this white hall, surrounded by bodies of humans encased in coffins.

"You're pathetic." The large alien shook his head, putting the knife away. With reflexes like lightning, he smacked Gunner across the face. The younger Firm yelped. He tasted thick black blood on his cheek. The two didn't speak a single word on the elevator ride up to the main part of the ship.

Once his bedroom door closed, Gunner took a deep breath and noticed his tech pad lying on a counter. The tech pad was used for galactic entertainment, news and for minor jobs on ships. He gripped the item in his hand and threw it to the floor. "I HATE you!" screamed the reptilian. His head raced with thoughts of anguish as he sat on the edge of his bed. He breathed slowly. In. Out. In. Out. Feeling dizzy, he flopped onto the mattress face first. He closed his eyes. Hoping none of his fellow commanders heard his outburst. 


PURCHASE FULL BOOK HERE- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWQ93HH5 

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