Part 1: The Blood moon

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Ghost (aka Simon) and Soap (aka Johnny) have been dating for around a year now and they were both very happy together. Ghost met soap last year during a Convention for all the different squads in their army Base and they hit it off well.

However, Ghost can't help but notice that his Boyfriend has been acting strange lately. As when he watched the news a few days ago with Johnny while they were cuddling on the couch, the news report said that the yearly blood moon will be rising in a weeks time. Ghost could hear Johnny's hastened Breathing and when he turned to look down at Johnny's face, he couldn't help but notice the sweat forming.

"Hey Babe, What's wrong? You seem rather nervous about this news report." Ghost asked, Noting down his observation.

"I-Its nothing H-Hun...I-Its just scary..That's all eheh..!" Johnny stammered, fidgeting on the couch as he explained.

So back to the present, Simon knew tonight is the night the Blood Moon will rise and he couldn't wait to watch it's spectacular crimson glow together with his Boyfriend. However, Johnny was against the idea.

"Y-You want me to watch the Blood moon w-with you..?!" Johnny exclaimed upon hearing Simons plan.

"Yeah what's wrong Babe? It'll be a romantic time." Simon incredulously asked, surprised at Johnnys refusal of participation.

"It's just...I don't want you to get hurt...It's not what you think..Please Simon Dear.." Johnny pleaded.

"Get Hurt by what?! Or who?! Are you saying you have a secret Lover all this time who plans to see the Blood moon with you??" Simon interrogated, Getting annoyed, Jealous and hurt.

"No no...It's not like that..! Please Simon! You got to understand..!" Johnny begged desperately but Simon was too hurt to listen as he stormed out of the room, Leaving a Saddened Johnny sitting on the Carpet.

A few hours around 6:30pm

Simon was Sitting by himself on the Hill where he and Johnny Love to stare at the ocean on their date. Contemplating if he had overreacted when suddenly, Price showed up.

"Hey Ghost, Why are you here looking sad. Also, where's Mactavish eh?" He inquired.

Simon went on to explain about the Argument that commenced a couple of hours ago when Johnny refused to go Blood moon gazing with him.

"I was just mad and didn't mean to hurt him...I bet he might not forgive me for this" Ghost Sighed, Lowering his head in shame.

"Hey hey...It'll be ok. Just try apologising to him and talk it out. I know that you can be quite persistent in your ways sometimes so try having a mature civil discussion of the matter. That's what being in a relationship is all about. I'll give you some time to think about it, Alright?" Price Comforted as he patted Simons back before standing up and leaving.

Simon thought about what Captain price said and decided that it was a Splendid idea and he went to go over to Johnny's apartment just as the Blood moon began to rise.

Ghost x Soap but Soap is a werewolfKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat