Part 9

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        The repairman came out and fixed Minho's A/C and he was back in the garage apartment the next day. Another week went by and they didn't see much of each other as Jisung really cracked down on his writing. Surprisingly inspired by Minho, he even found himself basing one of his main characters off of him. As he was writing one day by the pool he heard Minho working in the open garage nearby. He could hear that he was on the phone talking to someone but couldn't hear everything. Suddenly he came out of the garage and towards Jisung. "Hey, I was hoping I would see you out here. My friends are coming over to swim later, I would love it if you would swim with us." He said. Jisung sat up in the lounge chair and closed his laptop as he said excitedly "Okay! That sounds fun! I have been writing a lot lately and I could use a good excuse to slack off." Minho laughed and said "Okay cool, they will be over in a few hours, I am going to finish a piece I'm working on, see you later." He walked back to the garage and Jisung smiled as he ran excitedly into the house to put up his laptop and get ready. Jisung sat by the pool, reading a book as he waited for Minho's friends to show up. He kept reading the same line over and over again, not knowing why he felt so nervous to meet Minho's friends. Minho walked out to the front yard to meet his friends and Jisung sat up, confused as he heard quite a bit of voices. Suddenly 6 guys including Minho came walking up to the pool. Jisung almost dropped his book in shock as he thought 'He has this many close friends?' "I guess we can run through introductions real quick, guys this is Jisung, he has been renting my house all summer." Minho said. "And now we are having a pool party together... Does he do this with all his Airbnb guests?" Jisung asked the guys laughing. One of the shorter,  buff guys walked up and shook hands with Jisung saying "I'm Changbin, yeah no, this is definitely a first."

       "I'm Seungmin, yeah we were a little confused when Minho said we were going to be hanging out with his Airbnb guest." Seungmin said, chuckling. Another buff guy smiled showing his dimples and shook Jisung's hand saying "I'm Chan, this is Felix." He gestured to the handsome, freckled boy clinging to his arm. A tall, long haired guy took his sunglasses off and nodded to Jisung saying "Hyunjin." Hyunjin was extremely handsome and immediately caught Jisung's eye. As Jisung looked around at all of Minho's friends he thought 'Geez, where did he find these guys? A freaking modeling agency.' "I am going to grab the sunscreen, be right back." Minho said as he ran into the garage apartment. Jisung looked around nervously, being left with a bunch of guys he just met. "So how exactly did you and Minho start becoming friends?" Changbin asked Jisung. "Well my car battery died and he had to take me into town to get a new one and it kind of just spiraled from there. Your friend is really a strange one, kind of scared me a little at first, he's like an adrenaline junkie or something." Jisung said. Changbin laughed as he said "Yeah, he definitely does like to grab life by the balls." Minho returned with multiple bottles of sunscreen and set them all down on a table by the lounge chairs. Changbin grabbed a bottle and went straight to Minho and said "Help me!" Minho rolled his eyes and laughed as he grabbed the sunscreen from Changbin. Everyone began stripping their shirts off and Jisung felt a bit overwhelmed not knowing where he should look. Chan grabbed a bottle and squeezed some into his hands as he began massaging it onto Felix's shoulders. He wrapped his arms around Felix's waist as he slapped a big glob of sunscreen onto Felix's tummy. Felix yelped and hit him playfully saying "That's cold asshole!" Chan kept his arms around Felix as he slowly rubbed the liquid over Felix's abs and smiled before kissing his shoulder from behind. Jisung's eyes widened at the display. Jisung looked around nervously to Minho rubbing sunscreen on Changbins back and started to think 'What kind of party is this exactly?'

        "Chan and Felix are dating, it's fairly new so they can't keep their hands off each other." Hyunjin said having noticed Jisung's expression. "Oh thank God, I was looking around and getting a bit worried. Like I am no prude but I don't think I am ready for an orgy or something." Hyunjin laughed as he picked up a bottle of sunscreen. "You're funny, this will not be a sex party... unless." Hyunjin said, pursing his lips and looking to the side coyly. Jisung gulped before Hyunjin laughed saying "I am kidding!" Jisung laughed nervously, feeling like his heart had stopped for a moment. "Would you mind getting my back?" Hyunjin asked, subtly checking Jisung out as he extended the sunscreen towards him. Jisung gulped nervously as he took the sunscreen from Hyunjin. Jisung squeezed the sunscreen into his hand as Hyunjin faced away from him. Jisung felt like he was sweating as he slowly began to rub his hands all over Hyunjin's broad shoulders. His skin was soft and warm and Jisung's eyes began to wander all over his body. He finished rubbing the sunscreen in and Hyunjin said "I can do you too." He gestured for Jisung to turn around and Jisung complied slowly. Hyunjin rubbed the sunscreen into Jisung's skin sensually and Jisung gulped as he looked over to Minho. Much to his surprise, Minho was glaring in their direction. Jisung got startled by Minho's expression and moved away from Hyunjin as he said "Alright, I think I am good now. Thanks!" Hyunjin smirked as he put his sunglasses back on. Jisung put sunglasses on too as he laid down on one of the lounge chairs to sunbathe for a bit. A large splash came from the pool and everyone turned to see Changbin having cannonballed into it. "You are supposed to wait till the sunscreen dries Changbin!" Seungmin said, shaking his head. "It's too hot! I didn't want to wait anymore." Changbin said. Chan and Felix sat on the edge of the pool and put their feet in. Hyunjin went to sit next to Chan and put his feet in too. He leaned back on his hands, showing off his perfect abs as he glanced at Jisung and looked away.

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