“Hah! You really are cute!” Jimin collapsed giggling into Jungkoks shoulder, laying his entire weight on him.
“Trust me, you will need my help. Here's the store!”

Jimin dragged a grumpy Jungkook into a local grocery store. In the afternoon, the store was crowded with people who had gotten off work. Everyone is hustling to get home. give their kids some food. Visit their sick grandma at a nursing home, or hurriedly get to the liquor store so that they could repress all their trauma. All of this hustle and stress just so that tomorrow would repeat itself the same.

“So, what do you want to eat?”

“Can I really be trusted to choose that?” Jungkook's voice was sarcastic as he looked through the sections of meat.

“Yes, of course. It's still your dinner.”

"Fine, I'll cook hamburgers and fries."


”What is interesting?”

"No, nothing, it's just that I didn't expect you to pick that.”

"Is there something wrong with that food?” Jungkook's previously annoyed expression quickly turned to a very insecure and worried look. Jimin simply smiled and ignored his question. Turning around in the same spot, heading to the vegetables.

“Wait, seriously, tell me, is there something wrong with it?" Jungkook hurried over to Jimin, grabbing his arm.

“I thought you didn't need any help?”

Jungkook hated the smug look on Jimin's face. But he was desperate. He didn't want to make any mistakes with Taehyung. He deserved the world. It couldn't be anything less than perfect.

“I'm messing with you! You're just so easy to fool! I understand why Taehyung would like someone like you!” Jimin's laugh made the old man next to them startled, glaring at them because they scared him.

Jungkook felt a twist forming inside his abdomen. Heat and cold mixing through his skin. Was that true? Did Taehyung think of him as easy? Someone to boss around? He couldn't. Jungkook knew, he was certain that he knew Taehyung. But maybe. Just maybe he had been blinded by his feelings.

“Hello? Earth to Jungkook?” Jimins hand was waving in front of a spaced-out Jungkook. As he held the package of minced meat, Jungkook was squeezing his hand into a fist harshly. Making him puncture a hole in the protective plastic.

"Hey! what are you doing!”

Feeling his hand become empty, the meat snatched from him and Jimin's now yelling voice, Jungkook came back from his trance of wondering and worrying.  Looking down at the package in Jimin's hand, he suddenly remembered the last minute.

As if Jimin could sense the anger build up within Jungkook more and more. Jimin went to return the meat to a worker in the deli. “Wait here Jeon, I'll go and fix this.”

"Are you trying to tell me my hair is ugly?" Taehyung fastened his seatbelt in the pink car.

"Of course not doll. But, you could use a touch-up. Maybe a new perm? Right now your hair is kind of straight with some awkward curls in the ends. It's not looking great  honey." Miranda's fingers were combing through his hair as her eyes judged every strand of hair.


"Oh, it'll be fun. Jimin texted me saying that Jungkook and he were in the grocery store. Apparently Jungkook broke something, other than that it's going well."

Taehyung simply muttered okay.  Mind filled with worry for Jungkook. Jimin could be a devil and an angel. And he didn't know which one he was today. That was the scary part.

Driving down the road, everyone looked the same during the cold winter. Big black coats, and hats covering their entire faces. Careful steps waddling so that they wouldn't trip on the slippery ice-covered pavements. It looked like a bunch of penguins walking around.

The drive was quick to the salon. They first got a manicure where Miranda may or may not have been shamelessly flirting with a manicurist making Taehyung wish he could be anywhere else but here.

"So. Why aren't you having sex?"

"Miranda!!" Taehyung hushed her as he looked around hoping no one had heard.

"What? It's not like I said it while we were out there getting our nails done. I waited till I was back here."

As in back here, Miranda referred to the little corner in the back of the salon where they were sitting,  waiting with treatment in the hair.

"But still! This is not the place for a conversation like that!"

"Oh stop! What's the matter? Does he have trouble getting hard with you? Because if so, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Personally, I've never experienced it, because, you know, look at me. But seriously. it ain't about you if that's the case."

"Ew no. I know it's not about that. And no, he doesn't have that trouble with me."

"Then what's the matter?"

"I don't know, it's just, I feel like we both are waiting for the other to make that move, and I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I don't want to say."

"Taehyung. Spill."

"Fine. I don't know if he's dom or sub." Taehyung slouched his shoulders as he looked down at his palms. 

"Of course you do. What has he bought from your store?"


"No, really, you must be able to find some clues if he's dom or sub based on what he usually purchases?"

"I think he has everything. One of the dildos, one of the anal beads. One fleshlight. One bunny vibrator. One  cock ring. owater-basedsed lube. One lube with flavor. One pair of mesh underwear. One a pair of satin robes. He literally has one of every category in the store."

"Then what's the problem?"

"How am I supposed to figure out if he's a dom or sub based on what he's bought?"

"I don't know, you're the one who works there. You’re the expert. I'm just a professor." Miranda shrugged, opening up a magazine to kill some time.

"Please. It’s not that simple. I just don't know what approach to go with him. He's like a golden retriever and a fierce panther at the same time. What if he's a sub and I act all subby, then we'll come nowhere. And yes I heard the irony. Come, cum, ha. Ha. Ha." Miranda laughed at the little pun that wasn't intended.

"And what if he's a dom and I act all dominant. Then he will just find me as a joke if I think I could ever be with him? I'm both! I'm not a specialist on one of them, what if I scare or repel him away?"

"Ohh please- just ask him?!"

"Ask him? I should just ask him straight out like it's nothing?"


"You're hopeless."

"What? Why? What's the problem with that?"

"If I ask him that, just out of nowhere, what if he's a super shy sub who gets really frightened, then he might not be able to speak."

"Well, if that's the case, then you know you can take out your dom hat and guide him through it to make him comfortable."

"And what if he's a dom and gets hurt by the fact that I didn't clearly see it?"

"In that case, you as the sub, have the perfect opportunity to work for his forgiveness as the sub you are. This is literally a foolproof plan tiger."

"Well, when you say it like that."

Looking up from his lap, Taehyung saw a shadow approaching.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt but we have a few customers here who feel a bit uncomfortable with your conversation. Would you mind saving it for later?"

Taehyung felt how he was becoming one with the black leather material on the chair, melting into the seat cushion, Miranda just simply giggling, giving the old woman in the chair across the salon a wink and wave.

Pleasure Wonderland ~ Taekook Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu