✯ 4 ✯ Sudden Appearance

Start from the beginning

He was pissed, seething, infuriated, boiling over....

And he's in front of me.

Now, usually my mother was in the house with Shoto. This time, however, she had forgotten some equipment and she decided I'd be fine while she left to get it.

Perfect timing, right?

"Leave her alone," Touya spoke up.

He moved in front of me and glared up at his father.

I felt touched. Dabi, the psychotic villain, was protecting me.

Well...technically he wasn't Dabi yet, but still it felt kind of good to know I made that much of an impact.

"Get out of the way!" Endeavor glared.

The 'hero' easily pushed the boy to the ground. He didn't seem to notice how rough he was, but I could see Touya's face cringe as he hit the ground.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Who gave you permission to speak to my son?!" Endeavor yelled.

"I speak to them everyday and now it's a problem?" I sassed.

I knew he was talking about Shoto, but I couldn't help but antagonize the man. It felt right. To let him know that someone outside of his family, even if it was just one person, knew how much of a dick he is. Someone knew he was an asshole. And I like to think that the fact I was a six-year-old girl, who hasn't yet received her quirk, made it all the more infuriating to Endeavor.

"You know that isn't what I'm talking about!" Endeavor yelled.

A silence fell as we glared at each other.

"He deserves friends," I replied.

"He doesn't need friends. I did-" Endeavor began.

"He isn't you. He's his own person who will grow with his own goals. Just because you're friendless and alone, doesn't mean Shoto has to be," I interrupted.

"You pest," Endeavor growled.

He raised his hand and as he lowered it toward me I raised my hands and closed my eyes.

Pain never came. In fact the opposite sensation filled my body. A calming warmth flowed through me and as I opened my eyes I saw a light semi-see-through shield blocking Endeavor from accessing me.

I smiled as I looked at the shield. The shield was a simple, rounded, shaped shield. It was floating about an inch in front of my palm, but I could feel the warmth radiating off of the shield. I completely forgot that Endeavor almost hit me. I completely forgot that there were people around me.

I had a quirk.

Now, no offense to Midoriya and others who were quirkless but I was relieved.

To be fair I had a lot more to think about compared to the average person. With a war between heroes and villains coming, All Might's retirement, and a bunch of other dangerous obstacles I knew would come. I felt this obligation to help improve the world in any way I could with the knowledge I had.

I was relieved I would be able to help.

Unlike Midoriya, who would be given All Might's quirk, if I had been quirkless I would've been completely useless.


That word alone sent uncomfortable shivers down my spin.

I hated the idea of being useless. It made me feel as though this wasn't real.

Having a purpose, a goal. Something that will prove the impact I can have. That grounds me.

"-N)! (Y/N)!" I heard Natsuo yell.

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