And He Was Born

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This is my first story so constructive criticism is welcomed. Also, my uploads won't be consistent due to school and other stuff.

As a young child, I never wanted siblings. The thought of not having all the attention angered me. One day, when I was just 5 years old, my parents came home and said they had a surprise for me. I already knew what was coming. "You are going to have a baby brother!" my mom said, a large smile plastered on her face. My eyes met my parents, searching their eyes for anything to hint at a joke. Nothing. My father, sensing that I wasn't happy, tried to console me. "Don't you want to be an older sister?" he said, looking at me with loving eyes. I silently turned around and walked to my room and locked the door behind me.

Sorry this is so short, I wanted to put this out so I wouldn't forget about it.

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