Chapter Eight

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Third Person

Khalan had always been the fighter in the family.

So it was to no one's surprise that he ended up getting into it with some lady at the store when the family stopped for groceries for their big trip.

They were literally 10 minutes from the cabin and Khalan just couldn't hold his tongue.

Apparently some white girl wasn't look at Julian with a stank face. Khalan said something and her mother chimed in causing him to punch her in her mouth. They'd gotten him out of there in time before the police were called but everyone was on edge now.

Khalan however couldn't care less. He was in the the back or the 3 row car they'd rented. Julian next to him trying not to laugh as they thought about what transpired just minutes ago.

"Yeen hadda do allat." He whispered to the younger who causally sucked on his blue raspberry dum dum not giving a single fuck.

Khalan glanced over at him smirking slightly before looking back out the window.

He put up a good front but inside he was overthinking. What if Julian thought he was a psycho woman beater. I mean technically he had a pussy but he'd identified himself as a man. And he knew it wasn't okay to hit girls. But something about his genitalia made him feel it was justified.

After all he was naturally born that way. And let's be real..Khalan is 5'4. He's kinda slim dispute his thick thigh and ass that sat just right.

He knew he was a boy tho. And he didn't know how Julian would take his mindset on the matter.

What he definitely didn't know was all Julian could thing about was how is ass jiggled when he jumped slightly to deliver the punch to the woman who appeared to be 5'9-5'10.

"WE'RE HERE!!!!" Jahlil yelled as the car came to a stop. He quickly hopped out walking into the big ass cabin Malachi paid for.

Yes paid for.

Seeing how excited his husband was about this place made him wanna make it a yearly thing. And if they owned it they could slip away randomly and take a vacation here. It was only about 436k.

Just know he got it like that. And he had no problem spoiling his baby.

"This place big as fuck." Khalan smiled finally stepping out after waiting for Stacy , Melody and Messiah to get out.

Julian got out shorty after smirking at the big place. "Yeahh yo dad must got bank for real?" He glanced at the younger.

"Yeah. Generational type shit. My Grandpa was supposedly worth millions. Gave it all to him and my uncle D'chenne. Along with his drug business and ties to the cartel. I'm telling you cuz I trust you and honestly the police can't do shit." He explained before walking inside.

Malachi clears his throat getting everyone's attention. Alright there's 5 bedrooms. Me and mamá obviously going in the master bedroom. Y'all can pick which ones y'all want. I did 4 for y'all on purpose cz I know you fuckers be fighting and shit also cuz Ian know what the hell Khalan and Julian were coming as. We gone be here a while so please let's enjoy ourselves it'll make mama really happy." He walks off taking Jahlil with him.

"I'm trynna have sex so bae let's go." Melody says grabbing Stacy's arm jogging up the stairs.

"Umm that was awkward I'm finna try to get the second biggest room." Messiah says before walking off quickly.

Now there was only Khalan and Julian standing in the entrance area.

"So wanna go find our room?" Khalan says.

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