"Wooow!" Kiyi said in awe. "Was it a big spirit, how big huh? Was it scary?!" With each question she began to talk faster and faster, her face becoming red as she had seemed to forget how to breath.

"Yes it was big!" Sung said with his own bit of excitement. "As big as the Palace!" He said holding his arms out in front of him. "That spirit was an awful thing, he wanted to steal my bowl of soup. I stared down the spirit and told him if he wanted my soup then he and I must cross blades!" Sung said raising his voice. "For three days he and I fought, and the spirit got a lucky hit." He pointed to his scar. "Nearly took my eye out, but there was no way I'd let that beast take my delicious soup!"

Kiyi looked at him in awe. "Did you win?" She asked, leaning forward.

Sung gave a mock sigh. "Sadly no...the beast took my soup and gobbled it up. Sometimes you need to fight even if you know you are going to lose. But the next time that spirit saw me with a bowl of soup he didn't try to take it from me because he knew I wouldn't back down."

"That's so cool!" Kiyi said, throwing her fists forward like she was punching. "You're like "Captain Homare And The Samurai Force!" Sung had heard of them, it was something that Nikkō had taken to reading over the Summer. From Sung's understanding It was a children's book series about a wandering Ronin, a Samurai without a Master and his friends who were accused of a crime they didn't commit, and were working to clear their names. Captain Homare and his friends traveled the Fire Nation looking for proof of their innocences and helping people along the way, all the while they were on the run from the Fire Lord. Homare and his friends had a wide array of villain they fought ranging from greedy factory bosses to two copper piece gangs, in one issue they even battled a sea monster that was harassing a fishing village. Sung had only read the first book off handed to try and get an understanding of why Nikkō had become so infatuated with them. Apparently the reason Homare won all his fights was because of the power of friendship or some such nonsense and Sung hadn't cared to continue the series. But every time Nikkō finished a book Sung would ask her what it had been about, trying to take an interest in her hobbies. At least that was something Nikkō and Kiyi would have in common.

"There you are Kiyi, I was looking all over for you." He heard the Voice of Ursa say from over his shoulder.

Kiyi stood up and did a sort of half jump. "Mom, Sung fought a spirit!" She said as loud as she could. "The spirit tried to take his soup but he wouldn't let it and they fought for three days, but the spirit took his soup and ate it that's how he got that cut on his eye!"

Ursa eyed Sung with a seemingly knowing look, as if she knew the story hadn't happened. "Oh he did?" She said with a laugh. "Well that must have been some Devine soup for them to fight over it for three days."

"It was chicken soup." Sung said patting his stomach. "Mighty tasty."

"I see." Ursa said as she held a hand over her mouth to suppress a laugh. She took a few minutes to control herself before looking to Kiyi. "Your father was looking for you. Said he had something he wanted to show you."

Kiyi seemed disappointed now, no doubt having wanted to ask more questions about Sung "legendary" battle. "Okay mom." She said instead before looking at Sung and giving a smile. "Goodbye Sung!" She said before she took off running soon vanishing down a set of stairs that led below deck.

"You seem very good with Children." Ursa said as she walked over to Sung and sat on her knees in the traditional Fire Nation style.

"I'm by no means an expert on them." Sung admitted. "But raising my Sister has taught me a lot, children love stories about monsters and spirits...at least Nikkō does. I used to tell her bed time stories about hero's facing off against evil and she would get so excited...now she says she's too old for bed time stories." Sung was disappointed at that truthfully, he had greatly enjoyed when night approached and Nikkō had begged him for just one more story and she promised afterwards she would go right to bed. "They grow up so fast."

The Officer and the Princess: The Flames Of WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang