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  Chapter Twenty Four: Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter Twenty Four: Calm Before the Storm

"Stop moving."

"Harrington, that hurts."

"It wouldn't if you just quit fucking moving."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Steve took a step back, glaring at his best friend through the mirror of her vanity as he stood behind her, one hand holding onto a section of her hair while the other held a curling iron. "You're the one who taught me, so will you just shut up and let me finish?"

Zara huffed out a deep breath, her eyes rolling as she continued applying a fresh coat of polish to her left hand. Her room smelled of hair products and nail varnish, a window blowing a chilled breeze through thin curtains since Steve had complained of feeling a headache forming from the fumes. "Fine, just make sure you—"


"Okay, okay. Shutting up."

Steve went back to work, curling the very ends of her hair and applying hairspray after each pass of the steaming hot wand. He'd been more than willing to help when she'd showed up at his front door later that day after school. Her face turned up in a nervous smile, a fresh application of shadow carefully blended on her eyelids, thick coats of mascara lacing her lashes and a pretty orange blush dotting the highest planes of her cheekbones. His thoughts went a little dirty at the sight of her red lips, the lipstick perfectly applied and Steve had to remind himself that they didn't do that anymore—the dirty comments and flirty touches. He had to restrain himself from pulling her into the emptiness of his home and fuck her on the first place he'd seen that'd be sturdy enough to hold them.

Instead he smiled, commenting on how beautiful she looked and asked if she'd needed any help getting ready after she'd let out a rushed explanation of her plans for the night with the kids—and Billy.

He was still trying to wrap his head around how such a dickhead had managed to snag the sweetest girl he'd known but Zara looked happy and that was really all that mattered. He'd followed behind her car in his shiny BMW, greeting her parents the same way he had since they were kids before trekking up the stairs and to her bedroom. "I'm surprised you even convinced him to come—he's not exactly the poster boy for babysitting."

Zara shrugged, glancing over at the dress she had laid out over her bed, freshly ironed with a straps pair of heels to match resting below it on the cool hardwood floors. "I didn't invite him to be a babysitter. I just didn't want to be alone watching a bunch of children all night."

"And you didn't think to ask me?"

"I can't exactly sneak away with you to go fuck in an empty classroom anymore, now can I?"

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