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7 years ago

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7 years ago

18. The big one eight. The first mark of adulthood.

My first day being an adult was fucking exhausting. I spent the whole day working at my job. Thank God it's the weekend and my next shift isn't until Monday. I would say I could relax this weekend but a girl could only hope.

I know once I get home I'll have a lot of chores to do. Laundry then cleaning the house from top to bottom. Sometimes I feel like a modern day cinderella, having to clean up the house and then cook for everyone.

I park my car and turned it off. Then I just sat there. Taking in the only moment of silence. I take in a deep breath and prepare myself. After five minutes I exited my old beat up car and walked towards the door. Before I could even put my key though the lock, the door quickly swings open.

"Where the hell have you been April?"

I sigh and look at the owner of the voice. "I was at work like I told you earlier" I told my mother.

"We'll come inside. Your father and I need to speak to you" She said as she turned to walk ahead of me. Not even a happy birthday to me. But what more could I expect from her or anyone in the house. I followed her to the living room where I found my father and my older sister sitting.

This feels like an intervention.

"Sit down" my father told me and I did. To many eyes were on me and I was starting to feel a little anxious. "As you know today you turned 18"  he started. "Which means you'll be treated more like an adult"

"No need to drag this out Harold" My mom said looking bored as did my older sister. "You either need to start paying rent or get out" she stated.

My eyes widen and no words were coming out except, "How much is rent?"

"$900 a month" my father said.

"I can't pay that much! I barely make enough as it is now!" I tried to reason but my father had this look in his eye that meant he wasn't interested in negotiating and wasn't going to change his mind. My paycheck was barely $600. I worked and I went to school. I'm not even sure how I'd pay for school let alone rent. I looked over at my sister who was looking at her nails like she'd rather be anywhere else, "Does Leslie have to pay $900 a month?" I questioned which got a little snarky chuckle from her.

"That is irrelevant to the situation at hand" my father said. "So can you do the $900 or not?"

"No I can't and you know that"

"Well then it's time for you to go" I stared at him like a deer in headlights. "Did I not say it clear enough for you? GET THE FUCK OUT!" He stood up and came into my face.

"But dad-" My words were halted by a harsh slap. My hand slowly  reached up to my face which stung so much that tears began to sting my eyes. I should be used to this and yet I still am shocked every time he hits me.

"I better not see your face around my house ever again. You have 10 mins to collect your shit and leave. Be lucky that's all I'm giving you" And with that he walked off leaving me with my mother and Leslie.

"Mom.." I began to cry.

"Just get the hell out. And don't ever address me as your mother again" she said as she walked off after my father. I got up not even bothering to look at Leslie.

"Thank God you're leaving" she chuckled making my halt my steps. "I might turn you room into my own walk in closet" I never really held any kind of hatred towards Leslie. I've been nothing but nice to her since we were young but it seemed no matter how hard I tried to have a relationship with her, she made sure to remind me of my place. "Just know that next time we meet, I'll still be way better than you"

I walked away from her knowing that the only thing I can do now is pack my stuff.

Hey guys it's been a long while. I've just been focusing on tryna take care of myself .

I hope you guys enjoyed this little first chapter.

-OneDemonTime 🦋

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