Chapter twelve: Bloodlust

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When V leaves, there's a long silence with loud obnoxious music and intermittent grumbles from Thuja. He smirks. "She really likes you,"

Lexi puts her goggles back on and returns to work on her cane, she gives him a low growl. "Oh, don't deny it, she hesitated to kill you and now she's taking care of you. She liked how you flirted with her and asked you to dinner." The mutated yellow veined human holds onto the bars of the cell, looks at the half werewolf half demon ignoring him while she's hard at work. Lexi drags a chair down and the Sunsyn supplies she opens his cell then quickly closes it. She puts a collar on him that shocks him to force him to calm down. He whimpers when it shocks him, Lexi sits down and flicks a Sunsyn needle. "Don't move silly." She injects it into him.

She quickly moves out of the cell with the chair. Thuja begins eating ravenously. Thuja finally regains some human function and consciousness after the Sunsyn kicks in. Thuja pukes on the ground. "Clean that," she demands, hands him cleaning supplies. Lexi goes upstairs with the Sunsyn supplies to the bathroom. Remembering she had surgery, she lifts up her shirt and carefully avoids the bandaged wounds on her very muscular stomach to see the spot where she used to inject Sunsyn into her with the machine. She feels the little circular scar on her stomach. She grabs a Sunsyn needle, flicks it, injects it. She lets it all kick in, her veins pop out, everything's moving in a faster pace. The sigils on her arm start bleeding and lightning starts to crackle. She starts breathing heavily through the pain, but all that goes away. Yellow goo starts oozing out of Lexi's circular scar. She wipes the yellow goo, turns on the shower. Fidgeting with both hands. She gets in the shower, brushes her teeth, dries her hair, puts on underwear and puts on a bra for the first time in a long time.

V goes in the bathroom to find fidgety Lexi. "F####!" Lexi yells.

"Did you use!?" V asks her. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She wipes the oozing yellow goo from Lexi's scar. Lexi's heart flutters.


"I'm only trying to help! Do you want yellow goo coming out of you?"Lexi slowly shakes her head with hesitation.

When the goo finally stops oozing, V brings in some clothes for Lexi. They go in Lexi's bedroom. Once Lexi is dressed. V helps her with drying her hair. "If you want to put any fragrances on me, I prefer cologne," Lexi replies. She's wearing a black buttoned up shirt with a silver sterling chain with the crime lord jacket. V squirts a fresh smelling cologne on Lexi. Salem walks in Lexi's bedroom. Salem gives his owner an approving meow. V kisses Salem's head. "Be a good familiar and protect Jax when we are gone," she says. Salem meows again. Jax comes out.

Lexi kisses Jax. "Okay, be good,"

"I will," Jax tells Lexi.

Lexi and V head out the door. "What are we doing for dinner?" Lexi asks.

"You will see," V replies.

A car pulls up at the front and a member of the Neighbors is the driver. "Evening, boss," the driver greets. Lexi and V get in the car. "Evening," Lexi says back.

The neon Japanese lanterns and signs light up the entire main part of the city. Restaurants and markets are extremely busy, V looks out the window of the car at even the sketchiest and most dangerous markets ran by criminals that are usually in the hidden alleys of the city, drug markets where Sunsyn addicts are desperately bargaining with the dealers. Sunsyn is used everywhere in Devil Town, but the downtown area is where the fumes are the strongest and where you see people walking around in gas masks. Lexi and the driver chuckle at the sight of the unfortunate souls begging and bargaining with the dealers.

The driver stops in the middle of the woods somewhere. V leads Lexi to a field full of deer grazing. "I know it may not look like anything, but I wanted to take you hunting," V explains.

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