Chapter five: I was born in a city that never sleeps

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(Kylie's POV:)

Growing up Kylie and her sister Raea were taught differently than the other kids in their school they were taught to always have a weapon on us even when they're going to a friend's house because-well in the city we live in there's always gang members roaming the streets. Their mom Khloe is a natural born criminal, but she has a good heart she's just stuck with her ways of getting in trouble sometimes.

Kylie finds her pack of cigarettes and starts walking down the stairs. She lights a cigarette, walks in the club, music is blasting and people are close to one another dancing on the dance floor. Kylie comes to the bar where her sister Raea is. "Hey," Raea greets her.

"Hey," Kylie replies.

"Your regular?" Raea asks.

Kylie nods. She guzzles it as soon as Raea finishes making it. "Do you think Lexi will be the same when we go to visit for break?"

Raea shrugs. "People change, Kylie so I highly doubt it, but I bet she still has got you beat in the criminal world though."

"Nah, there's no way when she's the daughter of the king of the Sannu Tribe," Kylie comments.

"She's Lexi. I doubt she's all prim and proper like a Disney Princess even as Uncle Alex's daughter. The way she talks, walks, acts, thinks, no way she is," Raea argues.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about all that, but does she have the guts to run an organization?"

Raea makes herself a drink, takes a sip,  and shrugs again. "That. That I can't tell you. Why are ya asking?"

Kylie takes another sip of her drink. "My dawg told me that Lexi made a deal with the Neighbors to work for her."

Raea drinks. "From Devil Town?"

Kylie nods.

"She's getting brave, eh?"

Back to Lexi's POV:

Lexi just sits on the ground, crying and hyperventilating. She hears the door. Kai opens it, he notices that Lexi's crying and is breathing heavily. "F####. What are you doing here?"

"Shit! Lexi? What did you do to your arm?" Lexi continues to cry and hyperventilate, Kai leads her to the couch and he hugs her. Lexi just hugs him tightly.  "I'm fine. I'm fine. I promise, okay?"

"No, you're not, Lexi," Kai replies. "Tell me what happened."

Lexi starts to bleed again and Lexi's hands start to shake. "F####!" she yells. "Kai, just call Cleo."

Kai rushes to get his phone out of his pocket. "Cleo, it's an emergency and it's Lexi...she has been crying I don't know why and she has some weird drawing on her arm it just started bleeding."

Kai hangs up. "She's coming right over, Lexi. Just hang on." He rushes to get paper towels from the kitchen. "Here, hold these on your arm."

Lexi holds the paper towels on her arm. Lexi's body starts shaking and she starts drooling. "Shit, shit, shit," Zay walks in the house. "Hurry up! I think she's seizing," Kai says. Zay goes to see Lexi who's on the couch.

"Shit! How long has she doing that?" she asks Kai.

"Not for long."

Zay quickly flips through pages in her book. "I hope this works." She turns Lexi on her side, gets a syringe of Sunsyn and an infusion bag of werewolf blood. She mixes the Sunsyn and werewolf blood, it makes an orange. Once the seizure stops, she then injects the mixture in Lexi. Zay puts her to sleep and removes her tracker and replaces it with patch that automatically gives Lexi the Sunsyn she needs. Zay stitches her up and wakes her up.  Lexi looks around as she rubs her head. Kai and Zay hug her. Lexi hesitates in confusion, but hugs them back.

Someone tries to open the door, Lexi stands up grabbing the nearest thing that looks like a weapon. "Easy, you just woke up," Zay tells her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," Lexi replies.

Alex stands in front of his daughter, scowling with his one yellow eye, deep gashes and wounds that had bled out.

"How!? You should be dead!" Lexi says.

Alex says nothing and does nothing but smiles evilly and chuckles.  "Heh."

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