🛸Raider Boss🛸

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◾Used to be a low level zombie until an 'incident' took place and he was given full sentience and started leading his own army

◾He stole the gun he has from a Tower base a little while before the war fully started. He modified it and made it his own signature weapon

◾No one has ever heard him speak so most believe he is mute (in reality this is partially true, he can make noises but not full words because of an injury he had on the lower side of his mouth during the war)

◾He hates looking at the scar left by said injury so he wears a mask

◾Hates Minigunner with a passion since he was the one that left him mute

◾Worked as something of an assassin back in the day. His main clients being Void Reaver and Swordmaster (other than these two there were more older Titans that used to rule over big armies, almost all have died since then, leaving Void and Swordmaster as the oldest living Titans)

◾He was paid to kill certain high profile Towers that did not take part in the battles but were crucial for the triumph of the Titans (they took over for only a few years before the Towers broke free and pushed them back to their original lands)

◾Raider himself is one of the ancient Titans that were left alive (these ancients lived way before even some common titans known today were born ex: Fallen King, Sinister, Krampus, who are a generation older than their children )

◾Has met the three said brothers. But even they were uneasy around him, "something about his eyes just screams danger" - Fallen King

◾Has met the children titans too. Molten was horrified of him and refused to leave his father's side, Ducky as well and even Frost Spirit felt uncomfortable with him around.

◾He does have a slight hatred for Gravedigger since the boy is only half Titan. But unlike his brothers Grave gave him a piece of his mind which caused the elder to harbor quite a bit of respect for him (not often does he see someone brave enough to talk back)

◾Rarely seen at Titan meetings or any sort of social event. Some titans have only ever heard stories of him

◾His human form has never been seen before. He hates Towers way to much to want to look like them

TDS HeadcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora