Good News: Easy Battle. Bad News: Bad News. (Percy's Perspective)

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"All questions will be answered in due time." She replied. But before I could make an incandescent retort, she continued, "However, I am able to answer the one about the prophecy.

"Whoever the possessed god is, it is most likely that if there is a prophecy, he will hunt down the source to keep their rise to power unrivaled. Apollo has stifled the Oracle for the sake of Rachel's safety."

"Can't you just put defenses around her or move her somewhere safe?" Frank cringed at his words as soon as he let them out. "I mean, I worry about Rachel, but..." he trailed off, seemingly finding nothing to say.

"It would actually be safer that way," Annabeth interjected, sparing Frank the embarrassment. "If Riddle ever felt threatened by the chance that Rachel might suddenly spout a prophecy, he'd probably..." Annabeth grimaced, "take care of it."

"Our quest won't go anywhere without a prophecy to direct it," I added, irate. Hecate shook her head.

"Wizarding magic in a god, merged, are more powerful than you think. Even I don't know the extent of the possessed god's new power. Even if we did put defenses around Rachel, or move her to a safe place, we're not sure they would hold against something so potent. And the gods are not willing to take that chance; if given the opportunity, the possessed god may destroy the spirit of the Oracle of Delphi forever." Hecate explained.

I got the gist of it of what Hecate was trying to say, though I didn't fully comprehend. However, next to me, Annabeth was nodding in understanding. Then her face scrunched in confusion.

"The god is really that powerful?"

"We're not sure," Hecate said. "Nothing like this has ever happened before."

"Riddle is a very, very distant descendant of you. That means his capabilities in the area of wizarding magic, compared to you, are very watered down. Shouldn't you be able to defeat him easily? After all, you are a goddess." Annabeth asked.

"Riddle has possessed one of the Olympian gods. It has enhanced his magic, though I do not know how so. We have seen him perform powerful magic without a wand already, meaning his magic is now so capable he does not need a wand anymore as a conduit, and have reason to believe his new abilities extend further than that. I am the goddess of magic; however, I am a minor goddess, while he, through the body of an Olympian god, may as well be my male and more powerful counterpart as another- hopefully temporary- god of magic. In addition to that, he also controls the domain of whatever god he has taken control of." Hecate answered. Annabeth nodded, taking in the new information.

"And even all of the Olympian gods' power combined wouldn't be enough to stop him, or prevent him from breaking through any type of defenses you put up?"

"First, if we enlisted help from all the Olympian gods, then the anonymous possessed god may put up a faulty defense or secretly disable the defenses while under the guise of helping. Additionally," Hecate winced, "we're not sure if the soul can flit in and out of bodies as it pleases. So it is not an option to only seek help from the female gods or minor gods, because it is not worth the risk." Hecate grimaced. Annabeth threw her hands up in frustration.

"There's literally nothing we can do! Every trail is a dead end, every chance to stop him can end up in more destruction!" Annabeth's voice rose higher and higher with each word. I reached out and squeezed her hand in an attempt to comfort her, and she took a deep breath, settling her head on my shoulder. I pecked her on the cheek, and felt her smile slightly, causing me to smile too. Unexpectedly, thunder rumbled in the distance, and I jumped at the sudden noise; it never meant anything good. Annabeth laughed softly, amused at my jittery antics. Hecate glowered at Zeus's warning.

"I must go. But take note that, now that Riddle has broken down the barrier protecting this magical school," Hecate spread her hands to indicate the interior of the room, "from the gods, all of the gods, Olympian and minor, will be watching you. You must be cautious." Thunder roared once more, louder this time, and Hecate vanished. At least she spared us the searing, dramatic exit that we had to look away from.

"Well, time for dinner!" Leo chirped optimistically. We stared at him. "What?" He spread his hands. "What are we supposed to do?" He swung the door open.

"Oh, hey!" He greeted Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who happened to be standing outside the door and trying to (key word: trying) to look menacing. He brushed past them cheerfully and headed out the Gryffindor common room. Harry looked a little surprised at Leo's chipper and unfazed attitude, then quickly regained his furious expression and turned his attention back to us.  I groaned loudly, and didn't bother to hide it.

"Why are you here?"

(The reason I'm doing this whole Riddle is so powerful we can't protect Rachel thing is because I don't want to write a prophecy. I'm avoiding it. Rick Riordan's prophecies are so good, but many Wattpad ones are *cough* not that great *cough.* People go to great lengths to make it rhyme. For example, I think one line of a prophecy I read in another story was "win or flake?" They wrote 'flake' to make it rhyme with the previous line.

I know it's really hard to make a rhyming prophecy, and that's why I'm evading it. However, if you guys really want a prophecy, I'll make one! If at least 5 people comment to tell me to make one, you are going to see one in the very near future. That's all, and thank you for reading!)

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