𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘆 𝗽𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄𝘀

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*we got to the point where I gotta start reusing gifs now 😭*

"HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU MUCH,does he?"  Lucy asked as they left the building

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does he?" Lucy asked as they left the building.
Agnes had the Fittes card in her hand, she scoffed internally. one of the biggest agencies in the country, her mother would smile with sharp teeth, her father would simply say it was all that was expected of a true Berkshire.

"he's an irrelevant prick." Lockwood said angrily, he looked at Agnes who stared at the card in hands; his stomach dropped.
"ignore him." he said, but he stared at Agnes as he said so. watching her put the card in her back pocket quickly.

"we need to track down Hugo Blake!" George was almost frantic, he had one thing in the mind of his own; the case.
"there's something else I need to do first. why don't you two grab dinner? my treat." he passed some pounds to Luce.. they all came to a stop.
"do you like...italian?" George suggested eyeing both of them. it was arduously awkward.

"if you mean pizza?" Lucy asked. Agnes was down to eat whatever it was, as long as she could go home quick and fall on her bedroom for the next four hours or so.
"that's exactly what I mean, and I know a really good place" he started walking ahead, Luce glanced at Agnes who simply shrugged. they followed George.

the three of them sat outside, on the back of the restaurant.
"hmm. this is the best Italian restaurant i've ever been to." Lucy said mouth half full.
"George, my dear friend. I'm never letting you choose a place again." Agnes sat down in a sigh, popping a greasy cheesy pizza inside her mouth. she couldn't complain, it wasn't that bad on taste at least, just the fact that they sat down outside, in the cold.

"so have you always lived here?" Lucy asked. Agnes's eyes scanned the brick buildings around her.
"zone six. much nicer and safer." George nodded, munching on his pizza slice
"why'd you leave?" Lucy questioned.
"my mum and dad are lovely, but I just couldn't stay. they had four kids. Engineer, engineer, engineer, weirdo." George chuckled drily.

"so have you always been a bit..." Lucy furrowed her brows.
"obsessed? yeah. The Problem's all I've ever known. all any of us have ever known. that's not okay, so I wanna find out..."

"find out what?" Agnes finally let her voice be heard among her friends.
"everything! that's why I got fired from Fittes. did Lockwood ever tell you? Agnes knew George had previously worked for Fittes, but she didn't know the reason he left or was fired.

"no?!" Lucy answered.
"it's true! for asking too many questions, visiting floors above my pay grade." he smiled weakly.
"George Karim, I am shocked!"

"don't worry, I took the skull as compensation." he blurted out.
"so...you think, like, we're being lied to about everything?" Agnes asked now, officially involving herself in the conversation.

"of course we're being lied to. but by who? and why? and what can we do about it?" he rambled.
"you know I had this friend who was convinced that none of it made sense. how it started, how it spread, how it only seems to get worse, not better, no matter what we do. well, he's dead now. maybe he's got all the answers on the other side." Lucy winced, remembering what had happened that day.

"is he who you dreamed about coming to London with?" George asked in furrowed brows.

"no. that was someone else. but we were all on the same job. it went wrong. horribly. my boss blamed me. everyone did. even my mom. so I had to get away. somewhere I might actually matter." Lucy rambled.

"well fuck our parents huh?" Agnes said removing a fag from her Marlboro pack, lighting it with her silver lighter.

"what about you?" Lucy asked Agnes, now that she had brought attention to herself.
"why'd you leave...I mean you're a Berkshire, you must've had it all!" Agnes snickered.
"I was gonna go crazy in that house...too many, too many ghosts and sources, I guess."
Agnes blew some smoke out, coughing in the process.

it was a half truth, the ghosts would usually come to her dreams at night. but it wasn't the real reason.

"I see." Lucy and George had their heads down, the atmosphere of the conversation had taken a dark turn.
"shall we go back?" Agnes stood up, cracking her fingers one by one as she stepped soundlessly on the pavement.


the company were in the kitchen, watching tv
Agnes sat on the table, side by side with George.
"yes, we risked our lives, but that is how important this case is to us. Annabel Ward could have been a superstar, but instead, she was cruelly murdered." Lockwood said with a charming smile on the news. he was being interviewed by LBN.

"just because it happened decades ago it doesn't mean it doesn't matter now. luckily, at Lockwood & Co., we have our own superstars, Miss Lucy Carlyle and Miss Agnes Berkshire." Agnes tightened her jaw. if my parents haven't found me earlier they definitely did now.

Lockwood glanced at her.

"they not only helped neutralize a vicious Type Two, but also used their extraordinary talents to connect with Annabel's ghost. and as a result, we believe we are closer to finding Annabel's killer than the police or DEPRAC—" the television was turned off by Lucy

"I told you to leave me out of it" she tried controlling her anger, Agnes did the opposite.
it was all she knew how to do, running away from this argument.
her steps were not soundless. they were heavy, she stomped full of rage out of the house.
"Agnes-" Lockwood took a step closer.

"stop it." the blonde looked at him, tongue poking the insides of her cheek for a small second.
"you take one step closer and I'll make you regret it."
she slammed the glass door, leaving the premises.
perhaps she had a little bit of hope he would disobey her barked orders, that he would try to run and apologize. he didn't.

"I told you I'd handle it. what are you all so worried about it's all true." Lockwood leaned on the door, talking to Luce now.
"we haven't even solved the case yet." Luce whispered.

"well, then, we'll look after you, Luce. you two are our biggest assets." Luce opened her mouth in shock and anger

"assets?" she asked with furrowed brows.
"is that all we are, then? just some thing to make you money? you think that you do things so differently. but you're just like the rest of them. you're as bad as everyone back home." the other girl slammed the door to the kitchen, but instead of following the blonde's footsteps out of the house she stayed there, listening to George's and Lockwood's conversation.

"dick move, Lockwood."

"how? I flattered them on national television!" Lockwood stood in a confused stance, dumbfounded.
"after they specifically asked you to leave them out of it." George stated the obvious.

"what's your problem? you wanted me to fire her last night. maybe you were right." Lucy did not want to hear it anymore.

Agnes put her earbuds in, Deftones raided her ears as she lit another cigarette that day. she took the card Kipps had given her.
she took a cab to Fittes academy, she was welcomed by Quill who saw her arriving on the gate.

"Miss Berkshire, to what do I owe the pleasure." he smiled like a true gentleman, the one who would listen to a lady if she told him she did not want her name publicly spread on the news to the whole country.

"I'm taking your offer in consideration." Agnes swallowed hard.

𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮 ➪ 𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗱Where stories live. Discover now