Additional Chapter

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Monday morning, 08:55am - Student Council Room

Minji stares at the tablet in front of her intently, she scrolls the screen up and down, "Jungwoon." she calls, the boy turns around and stands up to Minji, "Yes?" Jungwoon sat down in front of her.

"Why aren't Park Son Woo and Jung Han on the troubled students list yet?" she looked at Jungwoon sharply, "Whose job is this? You or Felix?", Jungwoon's face tightened, " I am, but I already gave them a warning.", "A warning is not enough, have you reported this to Ms. Yoo?"

"A report to the homeroom teacher will be done when there are two warnings.."
"I know that" Minji interrupted, "They are committing bullying. Report this to Ms. Yoo by lunchtime." Minji hissed, Jungwoon nodded fearfully.

"Tell Hanni to come here." the look on the boy's face changed from scared to confusion, Hanni as treasurer only gave reports to the student council president, was Hanni also secretly troubled? But she was a very nice girl. Jungwoon glanced at Minji, she looked at him with a flat face.

Jungwoon immediately got up and approached Hanni who was making a budget for additional props for next week's school sports event.

"What is it?" asked Hanni, she stood beside Minji's desk, "Bring your laptop and work here.", Hanni furrowed her brows, "What for?", "I want to see your face while checking the report." Hanni smacked Minji's shoulder, "I'm in a hurry Minji, Haewon is waiting for the budget until 10 o'clock."

"Hanniii.. pleeease." Minji put on her best puppy dog eyes, "I won't bother you, I just want to be near you." she said. Hanni holds her forehead, she likes Minji's affection for her but sometimes the girl just did it regardless of the situation.

She then took her laptop, went back to Minji's desk and sat in front of her, starting to work, " Do not disturb me okay?", Minji smiled widely, "Okay baby."

Lunch break, 12:12 pm
Haerin stares at Hanni who is busy eating her kimchi fried rice, she has been doing it since 5 minutes ago, Minji looked at the girl, "Haerin, do you have anything to say to Hanni?".

"No." "Yes." Haerin and Danielle answered in unison, Hanni looked at them with a confused face.

"Haerin.", Danielle strokes Haerin's fingers, Haerin is silent while looking at Hanni with a flat face, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Haerin." Danielle repeated.

Haerin exhaled loudly, she opened her mouth then closed it again, Hyein looked at her stepsister strangely, she threw a tteokbokki at Haerin, the food hit her cheek.

Haerin glanced irritably at Hyein and picked up her spoon, preparing to throw it.

"Kang Haerin."

Haerin turned her head, Danielle looked at her with a smile, it was a sweet smile, but Haerin knew Danielle was getting impatient. Danielle cleaned the tteokbokki stain on Haerin's cheek with a tissue, she looked into the girl's eyes, " Do you remember our conversation yesterday?" she asked softly.

Haerin looked back at Hanni again. Haerin is really nervous, her eyes roaming everywhere. Hyein leaned her head towards Haerin with a curious face, Haerin gave her an annoyed glance.

Haerin bowed her head, "I'm sorry for being rude to you in the past." she said, Hanni widened her eyes in surprise, Kang Haerin is apologizing, apologizing to her, she was really shocked.

"What did you do to her? This is not Haerin!!! But I like this version better!!!" Hyein shook Danielle's body vigorously.

Hanni then giggled, she touched Haerin's hand, "It's okay Haerin, it's in the past, but thanks for your apology, I really appreciate it."

Minji glanced at Hanni's hand on Haerin's, "Your hand doesn't need to be there." she muttered, stirring her bibimbap in annoyance, a bunch of rice jumped onto Hyein's plate, "Hey!"

Danielle touched Haerin's arm, "I'm proud..."

"Danielle, please come to my basketball game on next week's sports event." they all turned around except Haerin, a tall white boy stood next to Danielle's chair, "Back off dude, you're too close." Hyein said.

"I'll make all my shots into 3-point shots, just for you." The boy smiled widely and winked at Danielle, he ignored Hyein. Haerin knew that boy, he also had a crush on Danielle and was always trying to get close to her. He was a good boy, but Haerin didn't like him talking to Danielle, like at this moment, he was too close.

Danielle smiled, Haerin's anger swirling in her head, that smile, why did she have to smile at him? "Thank you Dong Hun, but I'm not interested."
Dong Hun pouted, "It'll be fun if you're there, it can boost my spirits. Please?" Dong Hun pushed his luck.

Hyein glanced at Haerin, her sister's face seemed to be filled with veins of anger, wow, is there going to be drama again? Hyein chewed her tteokbokki excitedly.

"Danielle.." Dong Hun's voice was heard again, Haerin stood up quickly and faced the boy. Hanni immediately kicked Minji's leg, giving her the code, "What? This will be exciting." Minji whispered, Hanni hit her thigh, "You won't hear anything from me for a month if she gets into a fight." Hanni snarled.

Minji hurriedly stood up, she was about to tell Haerin to sit down when she noticed Danielle standing up as well.
Danielle then stood in front of Haerin so that the girl automatically focused on her, "I don't want you to fight." she said in a soft tone, then kissed the girl's lips.

It wasn't a long, or intimate kiss, it was just a small peck.

Danielle looked at Dong Hun and smiled, "I hope this makes you understand", Dong Hun was stunned, "Geez, Huening wasn't joking." he said, he then turned around and left them.

Haerin blinked her eyes, Danielle smiled at her, the girl didn't seem to be affected by the few students who were whispering while looking at them.

They sat down. Haerin was silent, "What's wrong?" Danielle asked, "You really kissed me, aren't you worried about what people will think of you?", Haerin looked at Danielle.
"What do you mean?", "I'm one of the troubled students Danielle, I don't want the others to know, I want to keep it until we graduate."

Danielle gasped, "How dare you think like that without sharing it with me. Besides, with a personality like that you will fight with anyone who comes close to me and our relationship will still be exposed." Danielle laughed, Haerin sighed, "I don't want you to get a bad reputation." she said.

Danielle giggled again, she then whispered something into Haerin's ear, the cat-eyed girl's face immediately turned full red, Minji and Hanni who were sitting across from them put on confused and curious faces, but Hyein who was next to Danielle heard what the Australian girl said, she immediately looked over with a shocked face, "Danielle Marsh!"

"I won't have a bad reputation, but I can be a bad girl if you come to my house tonight."



author here. This story is officially finished, thank you for your kind supports, comments, and votes. Also, thank you to the silent readers.

Tomorrow I will start working on the second book, maybe I will publish it this weekend, wish me luck.

Just a quick info,
The book will be about Daerin, but there will be more of Bbangsaz, so the proportion might be around 60%-40%, and the book will contain 🔞.

That's all I can say, have a good night/good day, and please stay healthy :).

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